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Neighborhood Grants

From building strong neighborhood connections to tackling neighborhood issues, the city of Aurora believes in the power of close-knit communities. The city offers funding opportunities to residents and neighborhood groups.

Neighborhood Mini-Grants Program

Each mini-grant supports neighborhood activities and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Residents can apply to more than one grant and are encouraged to apply at least two weeks before their event. The grants do not fund religious, political or personal/private parties. Application for these grants are open until funding is depleted. 

2024 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program

Image of little library

The Neighborhood Improvement Grant is designed to improve the appearance of Aurora neighborhoods while strengthening the social fabric and organizational networks of the community. 

Like previous years, the city has allocated $60K for this program, with a maximum of $5,000 per awarded project. The competitive grants promote projects that improve a neighborhood’s physical condition, enhance pride and identity, increase neighborhood communication, and bring new assets to the neighborhood that foster gathering and positive experiences. Examples of projects include clean-up events, community message boards, community benches or community gardens.

Neighborhood organizations and residents (where a neighborhood organization may not exist) are encouraged to apply.

This grant can be used in conjunction with any of the mini-grants listed below. 


Eligible projects must be within Aurora city limits, provide an identifiable benefit to the neighborhood, have a specific timeline, and involve at least three neighborhood households.  

Pre-application Meeting 

The city hosted three virtual pre-application/informational meetings to learn more about the grant application and process. 
View recording of one of the virtual meetings

Ready to apply? 

The 2024 application cycle is now closed. Keep an eye out for the 2025 cycle announcement in January. 

Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program Grantees: 

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