Disabled-Accessible Parking Information
The State of Colorado issues disabled parking hangtag placards and license plates to qualified people with disabilities to park a motor
vehicle in designated reserved parking spaces. Disability parking is provided, per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to assure that individuals requiring additional space to enter/exit their vehicle have the needed space and that the parking is provided close to the main entrance of a facility. The disability privilege allows a qualifying individual to park in any available parking space marked with the International Symbol of Access.
Disabled-Accessible Parking Etiquette Tips:
• Do’s, Don’ts, and Reminders
How do I obtain a Colorado-issued disabled parking placard (hangtag) or license plate?
Step 1 - Download the State application below:
Persons With Disabilities Parking Privileges Application (Form DR 2219)
• Step 2 - Visit your doctor (with the application in hand)
• Step 3 - Submit your completed application to your county motor vehicle office
How do I request disabled parking signage in front of my Aurora house?
• Aurora Residents Only -
Accessible Parking Signage Application/Request Form
• Aurora Residents Only -
Sign REMOVAL Requests
ADA Standards for Parking Lots and Facilities:
Compliance Standards for size of parking stalls and quantity required
How is disabled parking enforced in Aurora?
The city of Aurora’s parking enforcement program, Park Aurora, only enforces disability parking on city public streets. Due to jurisdiction limitations, Park Aurora does not enforce parking violations on private property, such as grocery stores, retail malls, and apartment complexes. The Aurora Police Department (APD) does enforce disabled parking regulations on private property, however, please keep in mind that police ability to respond to calls of service regarding disabled parking stall abuse is based on a prioritization of incident activity, call volumes, and the availability of resources.
Does my out-of-state disabled parking placard or license plate work for parking in Aurora?
YES. Valid out-of-state disabled placards/license plates are honored in Aurora and throughout Colorado; however, you must obey all Colorado parking rules and regulations.
Colorado disabled placards/license plates are honored and accepted in all 50 states; however, you must obey all local parking rules and regulations of the state you’re in.
Can I be fined for misuse of a disability placard or plate?
YES. Any law enforcement officer or authorized uniformed parking enforcement official may check identification to ensure that the authorized user is a passenger or driver of a vehicle utilizing a disability placard/license plate in a disabled parking space.
When using a disabled placard/license plate, individuals should always be prepared to produce to requesting officials the State-issued Registration Card (receipt) that was issued with the placard/license plate and the Driver’s License/State ID card of the person with the qualifying disability.
Infractions may result in suspension or revocation of the plate/placard, community service, and fines up to $5,000.
What does “Van Accessible” mean?
Designated Van Accessible parking spaces have a broader, 8-foot wide, access aisle (i.e., the hatched-out, no parking area/zone) beside it than standard disabled-accessible stalls. The bigger, 8-foot (96”) wide access aisle, is designed to accommodate ramp- or lift-equipped vehicles as well as it provides additional wheelchair/device maneuvering room between vehicles.
Additional Resources:
• Colorado Department of Revenue, DMV, Persons with Disabilities
• Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Motor Vehicles
• Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act
• United States Access Board – Chapter 5: Parking Spaces
• U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, Disability Resources
• USA.gov, Disability Services