The data used to develop the map is based on verified records, recent inspections and the year a property was constructed. Material types shown include:
Unknown: When records are missing or unverifiable, or there have been no documented inspections.
Lead: Some or all of the service line is made of lead.
Galvanized steel: Some or all of the service line is made of galvanized steel.
Not lead: The service line is known to be copper or plastic.
Why are some service lines categorized as "unknown"? In Colorado, properties constructed in 1960 or earlier sometimes installed lead or galvanized steel water service lines. Unfortunately, records stating the type of service line material that was used often do not exist or cannot be verified. Currently, Aurora Water has more than 5,000 service lines marked as unknown, which means these lines still need to be inspected to determine what the service line is made of. To view the map, visit
If your home has a lead, galvanized steel or unknown water service line, the property owner must sign the acknowledgment form. A link to the form is on the left side of this page.
If the property owner does not want to participate in the program, they must replace the lead or galvanized steel water service line with a copper one at their own expense. Aurora Water does not reimburse owners when they have a service line replaced. All work must be done by Aurora Water or one of our contractors.