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Claim for Refund

Any company or individual that has made overpayment(s) to the city of Aurora can file a Claim for Refund. A Claim for Refund must be used when requesting a refund resulting from an overpayment of taxes, or for a refund of fees paid to the city of Aurora. The Claim for Refund must be submitted through the tax portal. Licensed taxpayers must login to their account to submit a claim. Unlicensed taxpayers should select the option to Submit a Citizen's Refund Claim.

For additional information, including the time frame for issuing a refund, and the applicable interest rate on the amount of refund due, please see "Section 130-62(c) Examination of returns, refunds, credits and deficiencies" of the Aurora Tax Code.

A. Claim for Refund application requirements:

1. Complete the entire Claim for Refund. Please include the Aurora Business License Number and Exempt I.D. number, if applicable.

2. The Claim for Refund must be signed and dated.

3. Attach all documentation to support your Claim for Refund, including, but not limited to:

  • Proof of payment related to the claim in question (i.e. copies of front and back of canceled check(s))

  • Original receipts (if you need the receipts to be returned to you, a written request must be included along with a postage-paid envelope.)

  • A work paper listing all receipts, checks, etc. specifically outlining amount(s) owed and paid, refund requested, etc., and copies of applicable tax exempt certificates, credit memos, etc. 

  • Power of Attorney (if an agent is applying for a refund on behalf of the taxpayer)

  • Additional applicable requirements as outlined below

B. Additional requirements for specific applicants:

Licensed Taxpayers

Licensed taxpayers need to attach the following additional documentation (if applicable):

  • Proof of unpaid balance(s) or assessment(s) which have been cleared prior to submitting any Claim for Refund

  • Amended tax return(s) for the period(s) in question

If you have already received an Assessment Invoice or Statement indicating that you have a credit balance, you may apply the credit to your next return, rather than filing a Claim for Refund.

Individuals and/or Unlicensed Businesses:

Please Note: If a person or business is engaged in business within the City of Aurora, a business license is required by city code. Please see "Section 86-87. License required" of the Aurora Tax Code. If an unlicensed business files a Claim for Refund, and is required to be licensed in the City of Aurora, they must obtain a license before a claim can be processed and/or issued.

Individuals and unlicensed businesses need to attach the following additional documentation (if applicable):

If a Claim for Refund involves a city-issued building permit, the following additional items are required:

  • Copy of the permit(s)

  • Copy of the Certificate(s) of Occupancy (CO) and/or final inspection report(s)

  • All receipts/invoices for the job encompassing the permit(s) for which a refund is being applied

Possible additional documentation required by individual(s) requesting refunds:
  • Proof of residency

  • Vehicle registration and title

  • Payment receipts with canceled checks (front and back) Police report (if applicable)


Contractors need to attach the following additional documentation (if applicable):

  • Copy of the building permit(s).

  • Copy of Certificate(s) of Occupancy (CO) and/or final inspection report(s)

  • If claim for refund is not being filed by the original permit holder, an Assignment Agreement must be submitted.

  • A project analysis (Job Cost Analysis) of all associated costs

  • A project reconciliation including final invoice to customer.

  • Contract from subcontractors


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