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Marijuana and Hemp Licensing

Marijuana and Hemp Licensing


The Licensing Division is the local licensing authority responsible for overseeing the regulated marijuana and hemp industries in the city of Aurora. The Licensing Division comprises members of several city departments with expertise in the areas of city government most relevant to the industry, including tax compliance, planning and zoning, building regulations and neighborhood services.

Regulated marijuana and hemp businesses include all regulated marijuana and hemp license types except for medical marijuana stores, which are not permitted to operate within the city. The difference between marijuana and hemp is the THC content. The federal definition of hemp is anything with less than a 0.3% delta -9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration (THC), which is the primary intoxicating component of marijuana. Read more about hemp on the city's Industrial Hemp webpage.

For questions regarding home growing, please contact the Aurora Police Department's Narcotics Section at 303.739.1650.

Retail and Medical Marijuana Licensing

Visit the state's marijuana enforcement webpages for details regarding the latest guidance from the state during the public health crisis.
Effective Aug. 2, 2021, Aurora will no longer require background checks for employees working in the city. Aurora’s ordinance was effectively changed to mirror the state’s requirements. If owners and employees have a badge issued by the state of Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division, they are cleared to work for a Marijuana and Hemp business in Aurora.

All applications, renewals and payments for Retail and Medical Marijuana licenses will be made through the city's Tax and Licensing Portal. For assistance, email

The Licensing Division staff transitioned to a remote work environment during the public health crisis and will continue working remotely. Staff will continue to be available in person or through Microsoft Teams, if requested.

Program details and application links are available on the Forms, Regulations and Publications page.

Aurora Marijuana Informational Bulletins

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