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Concerts in Aurora

Summertime with the city’s Library and Cultural Services Department includes free live music inside libraries and at parks with Summer Jams and Storytime and Aurora Rhythms 2024.

2024 Aurora Rhythms

The 2024 Aurora Rhythms concert series will take place from June to December at different locations throughout the city, including Aurora Public Library branches and the Aurora Fox Arts Center, offering live music, unique performances and unforgettable experiences.

The C.L. Fondal concert scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 19, has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Interested in performing at one of our Aurora Rhythms concerts? Complete the Artist Interest form to share your interest.

Summer Jams and Storytime is now Music at the Movies

Thank you to everyone who supported Summer Jams and Storytime in 2024! New for 2025, Summer Jams and Storytime will be combined with Park, Recreation and Open Space's Park Lights and Movie Nights to create a fun new event: Music at the Movies!

Interested in performing at upcoming live events? Complete the Artist Interest form to share your interest.

Accessibility...The City of Aurora Office of Accessibility works towards compliance with Title 2 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and other disability rights laws pertaining to the city's services, programs, activities and infrastructure. We actively promote inclusion of people with disabilities through internal and external channels and we aim to inform our work directly in collaboration with members of the disability community. If you are a person with a disability requiring assistance or accommodations at the event please fill out the event accessibility assistance form, email [email protected] or call 303.326.8858. All requests must be received at least 5 days prior to the event

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