Access the new zoning code, called the Unified Development Ordinance.
Get answers to zoning questions, find out what's planned for that vacant property in your neighborhood or ask any other question you might have about land use at the Access Aurora Counter, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, 1st Floor.
Please Note: The Aurora Municipal Center is open to the public 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday for in-person appointments and payments. In-person appointments are suggested for customers who have challenges accessing services online or prefer to do business in person.
In response to recent adjustments in the city’s operational structure, the Planning and Development Services Department is now called the Planning and Business Development Department. This change is intended to positively enhance how we do business and provide quality services and infrastructure to residents, businesses and the development community.
Jeannine Rustad, Director
Long Range Planning Division
Mindy Parnes, Manager
This division manages special projects, Aurora Places, mapping and socioeconomic planning.
Current Planning Division
Brandon Cammarata, Manager
This division manages the Planning Information Center, zoning and development applications.
Energy and Environment Division
Jeffrey Moore, Manager
This division manages oil and gas issues, and other energy and environmental issues and concerns.
Business Development and Redevelopment Division
Andrea Amonick, Manager
This division manages urban renewal, retail assistance and economic development.
Aurora-South Metro Small Business Development Center
Ashvina Patel, Executive Director
The city of Aurora is the fiduciary host site for the Aurora-South Metro Small Business Development Center, serving businesses in Arapahoe, Adams, Douglas and south Jefferson counties with one-on-one counseling and training. The center is part of the Colorado Small Business Development Center Network.