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Sports Field Rental

Designated athletic fields and informal fields in city park properties are permitted exclusively to city-sponsored programs and Independent Youth Sports Organizations (IYSO) within Aurora. IYSO's must follow city-issued guidelines in order to be recognized as a designated youth organization. Permits are issued every year beginning in February through the first week of November.

While we continue to try and minimize the number of teams permitted on informal fields (in public parks) as much as possible, the demand for practice fields continues to outpace the number of fields in our inventory. Teams with a field permit have priority over drop-in users.

If you have tournament needs, contact Matt Landon at Aurora has 27 tournament-quality fields at various locations across the city including the tournament-ready Aurora Sports Park.
Commercial Sports Film/Photography
To obtain a commercial sports film/photography permit for your business, please email or call 303.739.7845. This includes commercial sports film/photography at our outdoor sports venues including Aurora Sports Park, Dove Valley Regional Park, Highline Park, Horseshoe Park and Olympic Park.

Picture of Aurora Sports Park Synthetic Turf Fields
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