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Financial Management

Controller's Office
15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Suite 5700
Aurora, CO 80012
303.739.7789 or [email protected]

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report


The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report includes a letter of transmittal from the City Manager and the Finance Director; Aurora City Council members; a list of city officials; the city's organizational chart; the independent auditor's report; management's discussion and analysis; basic financial statements including: citywide statements, fund statements and notes to the financial statements; required supplementary information; individual fund statements; debt continuing disclosures; and statistical financial and demographic information about the city.

Writing out Financial Forms

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report includes all funds and activities of the city and component units.

Additional Information regarding the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

Single Audit Report

The Single Audit Report is a federally mandated audit to be conducted for an non-Federal entity that expends $500,000 or more per year in Federal awards. The audit is conducted by our independent auditor and its objectives are both financial and legal compliance of the grants.

Impact Fees

The City collects fees on new development to recover growth-related capital costs. A summary of the fiscal year 2023 fees collected and disbursements related to land development is provided below. 

Total collections were $118,054,093. The collections are allocated to be used as follows:

Disbursement Amount
1. General Government $   4,457,859
2. Transportation 2,823,078
3. Police 3,848,196
4. Fire 3,497,030
5. Parks 6,044,417
6. Water Transmission 1,500,301
7. Water Tap 73,940,196
8. Wastewater Interceptor 679,029
9. Wastewater Tap 11,854,023
10. Storm Drain 3,930,308
11. Recreation 4,413,964
12. Library 1,065,692

The annual interest rate allocated to these funds was 2.30%.

Total disbursements were $109,890,439. Funds were used for:

Disbursement Amount
1. Water $   62,544,957
2. Sewer 43,471,304
3. Storm Drain 3,263,453
4. Parks 314,092
5. Transportation 296,633

This information is provided in accordance with Colorado HB11-1113, Impact Fee Transparency.

Transparency and Open Government

The city of Aurora is providing its expenditure information online to increase accountability, understanding, and participation of its residents. Aurora is among the leaders in open government. The information on the transparency site is a result of that commitment to open government and will be updated on a quarterly basis.

The information provided on this site consists of vendor payments made from the city's financial system that are not confidential in nature. If you have questions about the transparency information shown, please email us your questions or phone us at: 303.739.7886. Most questions will be answered within two weeks, based upon the number of questions received.

Prior Year Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports

Prior Year Single Audit Reports

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