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Energy Action Plan

City of Aurora and Xcel Energy Partners in Energy logos white with purple background

The city of Aurora developed an Energy Action Plan through Xcel Energy's Partners in Energy program. The Energy Action Plan is focused on equitably supporting the economic recovery and resilience of businesses, institutions, multifamily and nonprofit organizations. Strategies include connecting Aurora’s community members with information and resources to help reduce energy use and drive down operating costs. 

Our Planned Impact

The intent of this plan is to make a positive impact on the Aurora community. With your help, we can help turn the plan into action and achieve the following:

  • 142 new participants in energy programs
  • Approximately $549,000 in energy cost savings
  • Additional electricity savings of 5.6 GWh, enough electricity to power 721 homes for a year
  • Additional natural gas savings of 65,000 therms, equivalent to 4.6 tanker trucks’ worth of gasoline.
  • This will reduce Aurora’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2,700 MTCO2e, equivalent to 15 railcars’ worth of coal burned.

The implementation of Aurora's Energy Action Plan is now complete. The 2022 year-end dashboard document provides an overview of what was accomplished.

When compared to 2021, Aurora saw a:

  • 31% increase in energy efficiency program participation from commercial customers in 2022, including Energy Design Assistance, Energy, Efficient Buildings, HVAC+R, Lighting Efficiency and Small Business Solutions.
  • 108% increase in electricity savings
  • 24% increase in renewable program participation

Leading the Way: Examples of Energy Action

City of Aurora 

The city of Aurora is connecting businesses, institutions, multifamily property owners, and nonprofits with the information they need to start lowering their energy costs. The city is leveraging multiple channels, including social media, city newsletters and presentations to spread the word about energy opportunities. If you are interested in getting connected with program information, please reach out to Marisa Noble at [email protected].

As a city department, Aurora Water is doing its part to get the word out, leveraging customer communication channels to encourage customers to reap bigger savings by getting both an energy and water assessment. Aurora Water is also sharing this message with students, making the connection between water savings and energy savings with both fifth grade and high school students.

Additionally, Aurora Water is modeling how other institutions can identify energy and cost savings, by participating in Xcel Energy’s Strategic Energy Management program. The Strategic Energy Management program is a holistic approach to managing energy use for persistent savings and continuous performance improvement, and is best suited for facilities or campuses that use at least 1 GWh/year.

Aurora Public Schools

Havana Business Improvement District

Aurora Mental Health Center

Aurora Mental Health Center is seeing stunning savings, with images of windows, meeting room and building sign

Aurora Housing Authority

Image of Aurora Housing Authority Spotlight

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