What is an ordinance?
One of the ways the Aurora City Council may act is through the adoption of an ordinance (the others are by resolution and motion) and all legislative enactments must be in the form of an ordinance. Ordinances shall be confined to one subject, and in order to be adopted, they must receive an affirmative vote of the majority of the entire city council or six votes.
Ordinances are introduced by a member of the Aurora City Council at a regular or special meeting, then published in their entirety in the Aurora Sentinel. They are then considered at a second meeting held no earlier than the seventh day after that publication. After this second reading, the ordinance is published "by reference." An ordinance becomes effective 30 days after this second publication.
The city of Aurora code of ordinances may be viewed at https://aurora.municipal.codes. Printed copies may be purchased from Code Publishing LLC (800.551.2633).
The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) includes both the zoning code and the subdivision code. The UDO can be viewed at https://aurora.municipal.codes/UDO.