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Roadwork & Construction Projects

Road Construction

Aurora’s roadway maintenance programs are designed to provide safe travel conditions throughout the city and preserve the city’s investment in roadway infrastructure. Annual programs are developed to apply the appropriate maintenance strategy at the appropriate time in the roadway’s life cycle.

Street Overlay

The largest program is the annual street overlay, which helps maintain the structural integrity of city streets. A combination of contracted construction crews and city maintenance crews complete typical work such as patching, milling and paving two to three inches of new asphalt. Work on the street overlay program usually begins during the spring of each year and ends by mid-November. For additional or updated information, call Public Works Operations at 303.326.8200.

Surface Treatment Program

Surface Treatment Program

The second largest roadway maintenance program is the annual surface treatment program. This program is designed to preserve city roadways by sealing small cracks in the pavement surface, which helps keep moisture out of the lower pavement layers. Surface treatments also protect the surface of the road, which may become brittle and oxidized by exposure to the sun. Think of surface treatments as sunscreen for the road. Work on the surface treatment program usually begins towards the end of summer and is completed by mid-November.

Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks

Another important component of roadway maintenance is maintaining curbs, gutters and sidewalks. This work is also completed by a combination of city and contracted construction crews. Sidewalk, curb and gutter replacements are usually completed on streets scheduled for the overlay program the following year. However, this program also includes work on damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks that has been called in by citizens. Repairs are made to severely damaged concrete in accordance with the Concrete Repair Policy Manual. Because the locations in these programs often change, we do not publish maps of locations. Work on the concrete maintenance programs occurs all year long. If you are curious about specific concrete work occurring in your neighborhood, please call the Street Division at 303.326.8200.

You can help us maintain roadways by reporting issues, such as potholes, sweeping needs, drainage issues and damaged concrete.

From April through November of each year, a weekly construction schedule is posted on the right side of this page, indicating where city crews and contractors for the city will be working during the week.

For more information on roadway maintenance programs, call the Street Division at 303.326.8200.

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