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HOA/Metro District Stormwater Pond Resources

Private stormwater ponds

Your Homeowner's Association or Metro District may have recently received a letter from the city regarding the requirements for the stormwater pond located on the property.

When the property was built, an approved Inspection and Maintenance Plan (I&M) was submitted. It is the responsibility of the HOA or Metro District to ensure the stormwater pond operates properly. One purpose of the I&M is to provide information to the person or entity responsible for inspection and maintenance of the stormwater pond to ensure it is adequately maintained to function as designed. 

The approved I&M requires the following:  

  • Inspect the stormwater pond pursuant to the approved I&M plan.
  • Document the inspection and maintenance.
  • Submit an annual inspection report to Aurora Water no later than March 31, 2023. Subsequent annual reports are due on March 31. 

Inspection reports may be emailed to or mailed to  
Aurora Water
Attn: MS4 Environmental Inspection Supervisor
15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Ste. 2500
Aurora, CO  80012


City Resources

City Municipal Code

Maintenance guidelines for stormwater ponds brochure

Colorado Stormwater Center Resources

CSCR has numerous helpful links, including:

Permanent Water Quality BMP Inspection and Maintenance Field Guide

Routine Extended Detention Basin Maintenance Video

Check out CSCR's additional resources for rain gardens, contract landscapers and more. 

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