Aurora Water provides water conservation programs for income-qualified customers to replace inefficient water fixtures or replace grass with a water-wise landscape. To qualify for these programs, participants must meet the following requirements:
- Be an Aurora Water customer
- Have a household income 60% or less than the Aurora median income, see chart below.
Household Size
60% of Median Income
Below are the two income-qualified programs that Aurora Water currently offers.
GreatScapes Program Description
Aurora Water offers income-qualified residents a FREE water-wise landscape replacement through our GreatScapes program. The program is designed to enhance the appearance of Aurora’s neighborhoods while demonstrating how great landscapes can be created and maintained with very little water.
Low-Income Water Efficiency Program (LIWEP)
Aurora Water helps low-income households become more water-efficient by replacing old fixtures with high-efficiency ones.
We've partnered with Mile High Youth Corps to replace up to two toilets, two showerheads and three faucet aerators with water-saving versions for income-qualified single families.
Nonprofits can replace up to 10 toilets, showerheads and faucet aerators based on site needs and funding availability.
These devices will save water and money for the customers who need them the most.
To replace household fixtures:
Toilets must use more than 1.6 or more gallons per flush.
Showerheads must use 2.5 or more gallons per minute.
Bathroom faucets must use 1.0 or more gallons per minute.
Kitchen faucets must use 2.0 or more gallons per minute.
An indoor water assessment is required and will be scheduled after the program inquiry form is submitted to verify fixture qualifications.
Interested in participating in one or both programs? Submit the inquiry form below. The next steps and program application paperwork will be sent after reviewing the inquiry form.