Aurora Fire Rescue responded promptly to a reported structure fire on Wednesday morning Thanksgiving Day, November 28, near 11300 East Colfax Ave at approximately 9:17 am. AFR's Engine 1 arrived on scene as the first unit and observed a single-story commercial building boarded up. Smoke emanated from the rear of the building, prompting an immediate need for more resources.
Engine 1 crews initiated an aggressive interior fire attack by deploying hose lines to contain and extinguish the blaze. AFR's Battalion 1, Battalion 2, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 5, Engine 8, Engine 15, Ladder 2, Ladder 5, Ladder 8, and Falck Ambulance services were called in to assist. Engine 5 deployed a second hose line for additional safety and to aid in further firefighting operations. Crews swiftly pulled down the ceiling, revealing additional fire in the attic space. Despite the challenging conditions, the combined efforts of AFR personnel resulted in the quick suppression of the fire, preventing it from spreading further and ensuring the safety of the surrounding area.
No injuries were reported among firefighters or civilians. The cause and origin of the fire are currently under investigation, with AFR's fire investigation team working diligently to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident.
As we reflect on the holiday season, we want to extend our warm wishes for a safe and happy Thanksgiving to all community members. We also want to remind everyone of the importance of fire safety, particularly in the kitchen during holiday cooking. With more people preparing meals at home, following safe cooking practices to prevent fires is crucial.
AFR offers the following cooking safety tips to keep families safe this holiday season:
Stand by your pan: Never leave cooking food unattended. If you need to leave the kitchen, turn the burner off.
Watch what you cook: Fires often start when cooking heat is too high. If you see smoke or notice grease beginning to boil, turn the burner off immediately.
Keep pot handles turned inward: This prevents accidents by reducing the risk of pots being bumped or knocked off the stove.
Have a lid nearby: Keep a pan lid or baking sheet within reach. If a fire starts in a pan, use the lid or sheet to cover it, cutting off the oxygen supply and safely extinguishing the fire.
AFR reminds everyone that following these simple guidelines can significantly reduce the risk of a cooking fire. You can enjoy a safer and more enjoyable holiday season by staying alert and taking safety precautions.