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City facilities

The city of Aurora maintains a large network of parks, recreation areas, golf courses and open spaces to encourage active lifestyles and create healthy environments for people, nature and the community. While our municipal, outdoor and recreation spaces add to a high quality of life for Aurora citizens, they also require a high volume of water resources to maintain. As a high-volume user, the city is dedicated to making water efficiency the standard in all properties it maintains to help create a sustainable water future for Aurora's communities.

Drought Response
The city of Aurora is committed to doing its part in helping our reservoirs refill during the current drought declaration. Park, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) staff is leading the way by watering very efficiently and converting passive areas to water-wise landscape. As our public green spaces are invaluable to our communities, PROS will try to avoid disruptions to parks' normal function and quality. Youth athletic fields, high-trafficked park areas, primary play areas in golf courses and slow-growing plants like shrubs and trees will be given priority for water resources. To keep these priority spaces in our parks healthy, PROS will decrease watering significantly in less used areas, likely letting turf go into heat dormancy when necessary. Citizens can expect the landscape in these areas to appear a little dried out over the summer:

  • Medians
  • Streetscape
  • Park areas along roadways
  • Sections of golf courses that don't experience frequent play
  • Municipal properties
  • Open spaces

PROS staff will work to ensure these areas remain healthy enough to spring back when the drought declaration is lifted.

Reporting Waste
The city of Aurora greatly appreciates citizens notifying PROS staff when irrigation equipment is broken or malfunctioning. If you see water waste occurring on municipal property, check to see if PROS staff is on-site performing an inspection or doing work, and if not, report the waste to Access Aurora. PROS or Water Conservation staff will be notified and work to fix the problem as quickly as possible. Go to or call 303.739.7000.

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