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Where Our Water Comes From

Dam at Homestake Reservoir in Eagle CountyAurora Water is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the drinking water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems, treatment of drinking water and non-potable reclaimed wastewater for irrigation, billing and collection, public outreach and water conservation, acquisition and development of future water rights, major capital projects programs, and quality control for regulatory compliance and public health. Aurora Water consists of two enterprise funds: water and wastewater. These enterprise funds receive support primarily from tap fees and user fees. Aurora Water receives no funds from taxes or the city of Aurora general fund and is not subject to TABOR limitations. We are a cost-of-service utility.

Take a look at Auroras' vast water system through our online Story Maps. Learn about our history, visit the three basins that Aurora gets its water from and get the latest on projects we're working on to meet the water needs of a growing community.

Aurora has some of the best tasting water in the nation. Find out what's in our water.

Aurora Water is the state leader in water conservation, reuse and innovative water solutions. We have to be. Aurora is the third largest city in Colorado, yet it’s not located by a major water source. The city relies on a complex and cohesive system of conservation, reuse and storage to ensure our community has the water it needs today and tomorrow.

What does Aurora Water have going on for improvements or expansions? We post a monthly list of the status of our capital projects. We also post relevant information on what's happening with our partners throughout the state.

The city’s water comes primarily from surface water (95 percent), and the remainder is from groundwater. Our surface water originates in three river basins —the South Platte (50 percent), the Colorado (25 percent) and the Arkansas (25 percent).

Did you know that Aurora has three water treatment plants that have highest designation from the Partnership for Safe Water? Plus we have a nationally recognized water reclamation facility.

Aurora's innovative system allows us to fully utilize all of our water sources.

Looking for the basic stats on our systems? Our fact sheets, current reservoir levels and reports are listed here.

Wastewater Treatment
Aurora Water conveys all of Aurora's wastewater to a regional treatment facility operated by Metro Water Recovery. To learn more about how their two facilities operate, visit
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