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Road Construction Updates

Road Construction Updates
Posted on 02/28/2025

As the city of Aurora improves its infrastructure offerings to its current and future residents, demands for more infrastructure, improvements and repairs also grow. On any given work day, there can be as many as 100 active work zones within the city.

Traffic engineering staff make every effort to minimize the impact of these work zones to the traveling public. In addition to reviewing and approving the plans to ensure they are safe and compliant with all regulations, staff also work with contractors to seek alternatives to street closures and minimize the number of lane closures and their duration. Staff also try to keep conflicting work zones from overlapping in time or space. In most cases, these efforts are successful. However, on occasion, alternatives are not available and since we are dealing with the outdoor environment, even the best planned projects get delayed by weather, special events or unknown conditions, resulting in confusion and/or unplanned congestion.

Sign up now for weekly construction updates delivered directly to your inbox via Road Construction Roundup.

Interactive map now available
The city has an online map that shows work happening throughout the city that may impact travel on roadways. The map captures annual street maintenance work, transportation projects, public and private utility work, and development projects impacting roadways. Visit this link to view the map.

Annual Street Maintenance Work

The 2024 road construction projects map shows the work that happened last year. A 2025 map will be posted in the coming weeks. See the Weekly Roadwork Construction Schedule

Visit this link
 for more information about city of Aurora roadwork.

Other Road Construction Work (weather delays may be expected for all work zones) 

Please note: Although the city informs online mapping services about our road closures and designated detours/alternate routes, the routes they provide to the general traveling public are generally the shortest or quickest routes between two points. That results in drivers sometimes not following the city's designated detour/alternate routes.

In-progress and Due-to-start Projects

13th Avenue between Peoria and Quari

Both directions of 13th Avenue between Peoria and Quari Street will be fully closed around the clock through March 4 due to a city water project to maintain utilities. Follow the signed detour; plan for delays.

56th Avenue between E-470 and Jackson Gap lane closure

Both directions of 56th Avenue between northbound E-470 ramp and Jackson Gap Street will have all lanes shifted around the clock through the fall of 2025 due to a private developer working to construct enhanced traffic flow. An alternate route is in place; use caution.   

Jewell full closure

Both directions of Jewell Avenue between Powhaton and Harvest roads will have through lanes closed from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. through Sept. 11, due to a private utility working to maintain utilities. Use alternate routes; plan for delays.

Mississippi lane closures near Havana

Both directions of Mississippi Avenue between Havana Street and Fulton will have variable lane closures from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily from March 8 and 9 due to a private utility working to maintain utilities. Plan for delays.

Mississippi lane closures west of Peoria

Westbound Mississippi Avenue west of Peoria will have a full closure from March 3 to April 4 around the clock due to a city water project to maintain utilities. Plan for delays.

Montview lane closures

Both directions of Montview Boulevard between Havana and Peoria streets will have multiple alternating lanes closed around the clock through May 31 due to a city water project to maintain utilities. Please use caution.

Peoria lane closures north of Colfax

Northbound Peoria Street north of East Colfax Avenue will have two lanes closed from Feb. 24 to March 7 due to a city water project to maintain infrastructure. Use alternate route; plan for delays.

Peoria lane closures approaching 13th

Northbound Peoria Street approaching 13th Avenue will have two lanes shifted around the clock through March 7 due to a city water project to maintain infrastructure.

Peoria lane closure at Montview

Northbound Peoria Street on both sides of Montview Boulevard will have one of three lanes narrowed and shifted waround the clock from March 4 to 13 due to a city water project to maintain infrastructure. Plan for delays.

Peterson full closure

Both directions of Peterson Road between 48th Avenue and Highway 35/Colfax Avenue will be fully closed through July 25 due to a private developer working to maintain infrastructure. Follow the signed detour.

Powhaton lanes shifted

Both directions of Powhaton Road between Third and First avenues will have lanes shifted around the clock from March 3 to April 7 due to a city water project to install new infrastructure. An alternate route will be in place.

Powhaton lane closures

Both directions of Powhaton Road between Jewell and Alameda avenues will have intermittent through lanes closed from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily through Sept. 11 due to a private utility installing new infrastructure. Use alternate routes; plan for delays.

East Quincy at Harvest

Both directions of East Quincy Avenue at South Harvest Road will have multiple two-way, one-lane traffic from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays only from Feb. 24 to March 14 due to a private utility replacing infrastructure.

Northeast Aurora road closures and improvements

(view map for aerial view of closure impacts and alternate routes)
-56th Avenue between Monaghan and Hudson
Both directions of 56th Avenue between Monaghan and Hudson roads is fully closed around the clock through spring 2026 due to extensive road damage. The replacement road is currently being designed, and construction is estimated to start in summer 2025. Follow the signed detour; use alternate routes. The detour route uses Monaghan Road or Imboden Road between 26th Avenue and 56th Avenue.
-Hudson Road between 56th Avenue and 26th Avenue
Both directions of Hudson Road between 56th and 26th avenues is fully closed around the clock through spring 2026 due to extensive road damage. The replacement road is currently being designed, and construction is estimated to start in summer 2025. Follow the signed detour; use alternate routes. The detour route will use Monaghan Road or Imboden Road between 26th and 56th avenues.

I-70 Picadilly Interchange

From Monday, March 3, through Friday, March 7, work in the median will occur from roughly the Union Pacific railroad bridge to Colfax Avenue. During that time, there will be alternating right- and left-lane closures on westbound I-70 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and left-lane closures on eastbound I-70 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Be aware that trucks may be entering eastbound I-70 from the shoulders; please drive with caution.

In March, several temporary traffic shifts will be required on I-70 to place bridge girders over the highway. More information will follow. 

All construction schedules and traffic impacts are subject to site- and weather-specific conditions.

For more information on this project, visit the project webpage or sign up for weekly updates. All construction schedules and traffic impacts are subject to site- and weather-specific conditions.

CDOT Road Construction Updates

View weekly construction updates from the Colorado Department of Transportation.

E-470 Road Widening Updates

View more on this project from the E-470 Tollway Authority.

East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit

Aurora, in partnership with the city and county of Denver, RTD, CDOT and DRCOG, is preparing for the rollout of the East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The city of Aurora negotiated an intergovernmental agreement with Denver to fund the design and construction of BRT elements along the Aurora portion of Colfax.

Construction on the BRT has begun in Denver and will move east, likely reaching Aurora in late 2025. City officials joined federal, state and other local officials Oct. 4 for a groundbreaking ceremony for this project.

Watch the Colfax BRT series, Col-FAQS: On the Street.

BRT systems are designed to move more people with more safety, efficiency and reliability. Buses will run down dedicated center transit lanes in Denver and in mixed flow through Aurora, significantly reducing travel times within the project’s boundaries—from Union Station in Denver to RTD’s R-Line Station at I-225 in Aurora. 

More information—including a small business toolkit with resources for how to thrive during construction—is available at Additional resources are available from the Aurora South Metro Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at

TRAFFIC: Due to unforeseen circumstances, detours will remain in place on n-bound Gun Club Rd through the pm rush hour & into the evening for work at this site. We'll also need to continue work tmrrow, so detours will be in effect from 8:30am-mid afternoon.

TRAFFIC: Due to unforeseen circumstances, detours will remain in place on n-bound Gun Club Rd through the pm rush hour & into the evening for work at this site. We'll also need to continue work tmrrow, so detours will be in effect from 8:30am-mid afternoon.

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