In honor of Older Aurorans’ Month, the city of Aurora is hosting the second annual Engage at Any Age, One Mile Walk ‘N’ Roll event at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 17, at the Aurora Center for Active Adults (ACAA), 30 W. Del Mar Circle.
Participants of all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate in this community one mile walk event at their own pace. The walk will begin at 9 a.m. and will circle around the Del Mar Park area. Attendees can arrive early and participate in an instructor-led stretch session that will take place before the walk at 8:45 a.m. The event is free, and no registration is required. After the walk, participants can enjoy a delicious breakfast, music and goodie bags.
Older adults can engage in a variety of fun activities at the Aurora Center for Active Adults year-round, including fitness programs, social events, hobby groups and guided excursions throughout the state. Learn more about the center and its offerings at AuroraGov.org/ACAA.