The city of Aurora is conducting an assessment to understand the needs and experiences of older adults ages 60 and older in Aurora.
The process aims to determine future strategies to help this population thrive in the city. The survey seeks to understand the most important needs of older adults in Aurora, learn how existing programs and services help to address these needs and to identify additional programs and services that may be added to meet these needs.
Community input is an essential part of this process to allow the plan to reflect the needs and desires of older adults residing in Aurora. An online survey is available now at EngageAurora.org/OlderAdults. A paper version is also available at all city of Aurora recreation centers and Aurora Public Libraries. The survey is open through Sunday, Sept. 1.
The survey is open to all older adults and anyone connected to them, such as individuals caring for older adult parents, caregivers and others in similar roles. The website and survey are available in Amharic, English, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Individuals who cannot attend an event in person or participate in the online survey can leave their feedback in writing on the website in the comment box or via email at [email protected].
Sign up at EngageAurora.org to stay updated on project news and opportunities to provide input and help shape the future of Aurora’s older adult community.
This project is being led by JSI RESEARCH & TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC.