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ARPA Grant Programs

In response to the community's feedback and with guidance from the Aurora City Council, the city of Aurora is allocating a portion of its federally allocated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding toward support of businesses, nonprofits and community groups in Aurora.

The $1.9 trillion ARPA economic stimulus bill signed into law March 2021 provided the city of Aurora with $65.4 million in one-time direct federal aid, with additional funding given for programs related to rental and housing assistance. The funding is intended to support economic and public health recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. To review a list of projects that will be funded through ARPA in Aurora, visit

This page will host information on ARPA-funded grant programs available to businesses, nonprofits and community groups.


If you have questions, we are here to help. Email or call 720.892.0620.

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