The application portal closed Friday, July 15.
With guidance from the Aurora City Council, the city of Aurora is launching the Aurora Small Business Grant Rescue Program to provide $2.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act grant funding to Aurora small businesses. Eligible businesses may apply from June 27 until 5 p.m. July 15, 2022 (set up profile no later than July 13).
Overall Eligibility and Grant-eligible Purposes
Grant funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and is designed for existing small businesses and pandemic startups.
For small businesses that existed in March 2020 or earlier, funds of up to $10,000 per eligible applicant may be used to support working capital, daily operations, tenant finish, inventory, payroll or equipment. Applicants who qualify must meet one of these reasons for applying: have not been able to return to pre-pandemic levels of sales/number of customers, have not been able to fully re-staff, have been impacted by supply chain issues or have shifted their business model in response to the pandemic.
For pandemic startups that began operating anytime from April 2020 through December 2021, funds of up to $5,000 per eligible applicant may be used for start-up capital, operations, tenant finish, inventory or equipment related to small business start-up costs. Applicants who qualify will must meet one of these reasons for starting a new business: may have been laid off due to the pandemic, created a product or service in response to the pandemic, shifted business model in response to the pandemic, or expanded services to another geographic location.
In both cases, home-based businesses will be considered, but self-employed and sole proprietors who are not functioning as a legitimate business will not be considered.
The following businesses are not eligible for funding: large national corporations with revenue over $5 million; medical and recreational marijuana and hemp businesses; businesses offering adult services or products (i.e. adult bookstores); multi-level marketing/pyramid; businesses engaged in speculation and illegal activities; gambling; and businesses primarily engaged in political or lobbying activities.
Existing Small Businesses: Eligibility Requirements
- Must be in business since March 2020 or prior
- Registered with the Secretary of State/Certificate of Good Standing evidenced back to March 2020 or prior or Certificate of Trade Name
- Valid business license and current sales taxes (business must have applied for Aurora business license by June 1, 2022, and license must be current and not expired)
- Business address in Aurora
- Net revenue of $350,000 or less (sales might be high, but costs have increased so much that the business is not making money or is losing money)
- Gross revenues up to $5 million
- Minimum one employee and no more than 100 combined full-time and part-time employees in 2021
Existing Small Businesses: Required Support Documentation (showing both net revenues less than $350,000 and gross revenues less than $5 million for either 2020 or 2021; total sales minus total expenses)
Colorado Secretary of State Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Trade Name AND one of the following:
- Profit & Loss (2020 and/or 2021)
- Bank Statements (four consecutive quarters between 2020 and 2021)
- Schedule C (2020 and/or 2021)
Pandemic Startups: Eligibility Requirements
- Business have started between April 2020 and December 2021
- Six months of operations and sales between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022
- Must be functioning as a legitimate business for at least six months (starting January 2021)
- Must be registered with the Secretary of State/Certificate of Good Standing evidenced back to Jan. 1, 2021 (if the business is not registered with the Secretary of State or does not have a business license with the city of Aurora, the business owner is urged to get one as soon as possible to be considered for a grant) or Certificate of Trade Name
- Must have valid business license and current sales taxes (business must have applied for Aurora business license by June 1, 2022, and license must be current and not expired)
- Business representative must show lawful presence (i.e. valid government-issued identification)
- Must have business address in Aurora
- Minimum one employee (includes owner; single-member LLC owners will be considered)Self-certification of the impact the pandemic had on the business and cite reasons for funding need
Pandemic Startups: Support Documentation
Colorado Secretary of State Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Trade Name AND one of the following that demonstrates the business is functioning as a legitimate business:
- Business bank statements for at least six months that show revenues and/or expenditures
- Proof of business transactions for at least six months (receipts, business credit card transactions, invoices, point-of-service or merchant reports, payments to vendors or payroll)
Existing Small Businesses and Pandemic Startups: List of Reasons for Needed Funding
Must demonstrate one or more of the following: Revenue loss; increased expenses; lost production capacity; retention and new hire issues; supply chain/ inventory problems; business model change (increased costs); business debt; inventory; marketing expenses to increase sales; equipment; rent increase; or other
Training Sessions on How to Apply
The Aurora-South Metro Small Business Development Center will offer training opportunities in English and Spanish on how to apply; register below or at Training sessions in English and Spanish were offered from June 21 to July 8. Those training session videos and slideshows are available on demand below:
Recording in English: [ON DEMAND] Aurora Small Business Grant Info Session (
Slideshow Presentation in English
Recording in Spanish: [ON DEMAND] Becas para negocios en Aurora – sesión informativa (
Slideshow Presentation in Spanish
Application Process
When the application period opens, those interested must begin the application process by filling out an initial form no later than July 13 to create an account in the application portal. Within one to two business days, the applicant will receive a link to access the next part of the application form and upload documents.
The application portal link is available below. Remember to set up your profile no later than July 13 to allow adequate time to meet the July 15 deadline for applying.
The application portal is now closed.
More Information
The application portal closed Friday, July 15.
With guidance from the Aurora City Council, the city of Aurora is launching the Aurora Nonprofit Grant Program to provide $2.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act grant funding to nonprofits that serve the Aurora community. Eligible nonprofits may apply starting June 27. The application deadline is 5 p.m. July 15.
This funding opportunity is not on a first-come, first-served basis; eligible applications will go through a multi-tiered review process for funding recommendations.
The grants will provide funding to qualified nonprofits for one-time capital or programmatic expenses on a reimbursement basis. Funding requests do not have a limit; multiple organizations will be funded.
To apply, nonprofits must have a 501(c)(3) status with a business license to operate in the city of Aurora. If a nonprofit is selected for funding and does not have an Aurora business license, it must apply for one as a condition of the funding award; this license is free as long as 501(c)(3) determination is provided. Learn more:
Virtual Information Sessions
Information sessions will review grant details and answer any questions. Registration is not required. Recordings of the meetings will be posted on this webpage after each event.
- English - June 29, noon to 1 p.m.
- Spanish – June 30, noon to 1 p.m.
Application Process
When the application period opens, those interested must begin the application process by filling out an initial form no later than July 13 to create an account in the application portal. Within one to two business days, the applicant will receive a link to access the next part of the application form and upload documents.
The following documents will be requested as part of the application process:
- Project Budget and Budget Narrative (Download)
- Organizational Operating Budget
- Proof of IRS federal tax-exempt status, dated within the last five years
- Certificate of Good Standing from Colorado Secretary of State's Office (if applicable)
- Most Recent Audit (unless exempt from completing audits, such as some religious organizations)
- Board Roster
- W-9 (Download)
- Certificate of Insurance and Liability Coverage
- Financial Management Questionnaire (Download)
The application portal will be available below starting June 27.
See application questions in advance for reference (not to be used as an application form; applications for this program are only accepted through the online portal linked below).
The application portal is now closed.
More Information
If you have questions, we are here to help. Call 720.892.0620 or email
Eligible businesses, nonprofits and community groups throughout Aurora were invited to apply starting May 16 for grant funding for safety and security upgrades. Due to the significant response to the program and resource limitations, the application portal closed Wednesday, May 25.
The city of Aurora is making available $3 million in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act for the Aurora Safety and Security Upgrade Grant Program. Of the $3 million that will be distributed to eligible businesses, nonprofits and community groups throughout the entire city, the city will allocate $500,000 of this $3 million specifically to entities located along Colfax Avenue between Yosemite Street and Peoria Avenue and between 14th and 16th avenues.
Overall Eligibility
Grant funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program closed at 5 p.m. May 25 due to the significant response to the program and resource limitations.
Eligibility requirements are as follows:
• Must have a physical location in Aurora (residential locations are not eligible)
• Must have no more than 500 employees or are a small business concern as defined in section 3 of the Small Business Act; sole proprietors are eligible
• Must be in good standing with the city of Aurora with respect to taxes, fees, or other financial obligations to the city
• Must be in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office (will need to upload certificate, if approved)
• Nonprofits must to provide proof of IRS federal tax-exempt status, dated within the last five years.
• Must have a current Aurora business license and be licensed for at least three months (businesses and nonprofits).
• The following business categories are not eligible: home- and vehicle-based businesses, marijuana (medical and recreational), businesses offering adult services or products, multi-level marketing/pyramid, real estate investment firms, speculation-based businesses, businesses engaged in illegal activities, gambling and businesses primarily engaged in political or lobbying activities.
Grant Eligible Purposes
Funds of up to $10,000 allocated to eligible applicants may be used to make physical changes related to lighting, alarms, cameras, windows, entrance doors and mirrors, allowing law enforcement to more efficiently and effectively respond to public safety issues.
The installation work will be awarded to city-approved, local contractors that can answer a call to service that has been posted.
Eligible applicants will go through a Safety and Security Assessment with the Aurora Police Department to identify and approve upgrades.
More Information
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Aurora Safety and Security Grant Program Flyer
Programa de Subsidios de Seguridad y Protección de Aurora
오로라 안전 및 보안 지원금 프로그램
Chương Trình Tài Trợ An Toàn và An Ninh Aurora
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奥罗拉安全于安保 补助计划
If you have questions, we are here to help. Email or call 720.892.0620.