The 2024 population estimate for the city of Aurora is 404,219*. In the last 50 years, Aurora's population has changed dramatically, adding over 300,000 people during that time period. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Aurora is currently the third largest city in Colorado** and 52nd largest city in the country***.

Image Description: Aurora's population total for the following years (population in parentheses): 2010 (338,774), 2015 (351,200), 2019 (374,154), 2020 (381,057), 2021 (386,502), 2022 (398,018), 2023 (399,913), 2024 (404,219). Source: City of Aurora Planning and Business Development Department.
Sources: *City of Aurora Planning and Development Services Department
**Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places in Colorado: April 1,2020 to July 1, 2022
***Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places of 50,000 or ore, Ranked by July 1, 2022 Population
Counts and Projections

Image Description: Aurora population counts and projections, from 1900-2070. Dates with populations in parentheses: 1900 (202), 1910 (679), 1920 (983), 1930 (2,295), 1940 (3,437), 1950 (11,421), 1960 (48,548), 1970 (74,974), 1980 (158,588), 1990 (222,103), 2000 (276,393), 2010 (325,078), 2020 (384,950), 2030 (449,145), 2040 (506,989), 2050 (568,452), 2060 (637,521), 2070 (714,990).
Source: US Census Bureau, Decennial Census 2010; City of Aurora Planning and Development Services Department, **2020 Decennial Census - U.S Census Bureau *City and Town Population Totals: 2020-2021

Image Description: Top 5 Cities in Colorado by Population. Denver (713,252), Colorado Springs (486,248), Aurora (393,537), Fort Collins (169,249), Lakewood (156,120).
Source: US Census Bureau, Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places in the United States: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2022 (SUB-IP-EST2021-POP)
Compared to the Metro Area and the State, Aurora is a relatively young community with a high percentage of our population being under the age of 45. More than half of Aurora's total population (64.6%) is under the age of 45 while 11.9% of our population is 65 years and over.
Age Distribution

Image Description: Bar chart showing comparisons of population percentages by age in Aurora, Denver-Aurora-Lakewood (D-A-L) and Colorado. 0-24 years: Aurora (33.8%), D-A-L (29.9%), CO (31.0%). 25-44 years: Aurora (30.8%), D-A-L (32.0%), CO (29.8%). 45-64 years: Aurora (23.5%), D-A-L (24.6%), CO (24.4%). 65-84 years: Aurora (10.8%), D-A-L (12.0%), CO (13.2%). 85 years and over: Aurora (1.1%), D-A-L (1.5%), CO (1.6%).
Source: U.S Census Bureau 2018-2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates