Median household income in Aurora has increased steadily over the last twenty years. Aurora households are likely to fall into income categories under $100,000 than households regionally. Overall the median income for households in Aurora is $72,052 and $88,512 for the metro area.
Household Income
in Aurora compared to the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood Metro Area

Image Description: Bar chart comparing the percent of the total income broken down into household income categories (percentage of the population is in parentheses): Less than $10,000 (Aurora 4.2% Metro Area 3.8%), $10,000 to $14,999 (Aurora 2.5% Metro Area 2.4%), $15,000 to $24,999 (Aurora 5.6% Metro Area 4.8%), $25,000 to $34,999 (Aurora 7.1% Metro Area 5.7%), $35,000 to $49,999 (Aurora 12.4% Metro Area 9.5%), $50,000 to $74,999 (Aurora 20.1% Metro Area 16.3%), $75,000 to $99,999 (Aurora 14.1% Metro Area 13.2%), $100,000 to $149,999 (Aurora 18.9% Metro Area 19.9%), $150,000 to $199,999 (Aurora 8.1% Metro Area 11.1%), $200,000 or more (Aurora 6.9% Metro Area 13.4%)
Poverty is an important indicator of economic well-being, it can be used as indicators of current economic conditions within communities. Poverty rates are often used to identify communities in need and to estimate the number of families eligible for various grant programs.
The Census Bureau is estimating that 10.2% of Aurora's population lives below the poverty level.
Poverty Status by Age
for Aurora compared to the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood Metro Area

Image Description: Bar chart showing the percentage of population by age that is affected by poverty compared to the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood Metro Area (percentages in parentheses): Under 18 years (Aurora 14.2% Metro Area 10.2%), 18 to 64 years (Aurora 15.7% Metro Area 10.8%), 65 years and over (Aurora 13.8% Metro Area 9.9%)
Source: U.S Census Bureau 2017-2021 ACS 5-Year Estimates