Parker Road/Quincy Avenue/Smoky Hill Road Intersection Improvement Study
The city of Aurora conducted this project to provide a comprehensive transportation study of the Parker Road and Smoky Hill Road intersections along Quincy Avenue. The study evaluated the existing and future operating conditions of the area intersections and identified low-cost system management and near- and long-term operational improvements. The study was completed September 2016. Scroll down to view the final study report.
Study Area |
Study Area
The study area included Parker Road, from approximately one-half mile north of Quincy Avenue to one-half mile south of Quincy Avenue. The study area also included Quincy Avenue from west of Parker Road through the Chambers Road intersection, and included Smoky Hill Road from north of the Quincy Avenue intersection to south of the Tufts Place intersection.
The 2009 Parker Road Corridor Study recommended that a grade-separated interchange be implemented at the intersection of Parker Road and Quincy Avenue, in addition to widening Parker Road between Hampden Avenue and Quincy Avenue. There is no funding for this large-scale transportation improvement. The 2015-16 operational improvement study identified relatively low-cost improvements that can improve the transportation operations of the area surrounding the intersection with funding that may be obtained in the near term.
Study Goals
The objective of this operational improvement study was to work with area stakeholders to develop and analyze a range of improvements to reduce congestion and improve operational performance and safety of the Parker Road and Quincy Avenue intersection and the Quincy Avenue and Smoky Hill Road intersection and to identify low-cost system management and near- and long-term operational improvements.
Key elements of the Parker Road/Quincy Avenue/Smoky Hill Road Intersection Improvement Study included:
- Perform operational analysis of existing conditions
- Develop 2020 and 2040 traffic volume projections
- Develop and analyze operational improvement alternatives
- Perform an operational analysis of 2020 and 2040 traffic volume conditions
- Conduct an evaluation of pedestrian and bicycle accessibility and roadway crossing treatments
- Identify potential constraining elements, such as utilities, drainage infrastructure, and right-of-way
- Screen alternatives to develop recommended improvements
- Generate a conceptual cost estimate for the recommended improvements