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Tree Planting & Care

We are here to help you learn how to best care for your trees!

Tree Planting and Care
A tree is the most vulnerable during its first few years after transplant and we're here to help you learn how to best care for your tree your young tree’s health and survival with proper handling and planting care. You've got a tree to plant, now what? Watch our step-by-step tree planting video below or check out our guide for Tree Planting and Care best practices, tips and tricks.

Tree Pruning Guide

Pruning encourages the structural development of strong, healthy tress and allows for the removal of low-hanging and nuisance branches. See how it's done below in our how-to video or check out our Tree Pruning Guide!

Tree Watering Guidelines
Watering is a critical tool for minimizing stress to trees in areas receiving low precipitation and drying winds. Properly watering your trees can help protect against branch dieback, disease and insect infestation. Learn about our suggested Watering Guidelines.  

Tree Species Recommendation
Contribute to a healthy and geographically appropriate landscape and urban forest by planting the right tree in the right place. Find the best tree for your unique needs in our Recommended Trees for Aurora Guide.
 note: It is prohibited to plant Ash trees in Aurora because of the Emerald Ash Borer threat. Learn more about the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB).

Contribute to a healthy and geographically appropriate landscape and urban forest by planting the right tree in the right space. Find the best tree for your unique needs on the Colorado Tree Coalition website.

Important Note: Although Ash trees appear on the above-mentioned list, it is prohibited to plant Ash trees in Aurora because of the Emerald Ash Borer threat. Learn more here.

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