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Residential City Tree Planting

Did you receive a tree sign in your front yard?

Picture of tree planting location yard sign

As part of the city of Aurora's 2024 fall tree planting program the Forestry Division will be planting more than 200 trees this season. The tree sign in your yard is to notify you that the city of Aurora will be planting a tree on the public right-of-way in front of your address this fall.

This planting is either to replace a tree that was removed, or an open space has been identified where a tree can be planted to expand the city’s tree canopy. This is a free service provided by the city of Aurora.

Weather permitting, planting will begin in September and go through the end of November. Forestry staff have marked the location of where the new tree will fit best with a white mark on the sidewalk. A tree that is well-suited for your yard will be planted five feet away from the sidewalk in the public right-of-way.

Aurora’s Forestry Division will water the tree for the first year after planting. Following the first year we ask residents to do all further watering for the life of the tree, or if it looks like it is getting too dry between city of Aurora watering during the first year. If the tree has a slight lean, that’s ok; it will correct itself as it matures. City staff will visit your property after planting to ensure quality control.

For more information, questions or to request a tree not be planted, please contact the Forestry Division as soon as possible, but no later than Sept. 15, 2024. Please email [email protected] or call 303.739.7177.

For more information about Aurora’s urban forest, tree care and planting, visit

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