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Public Art Guides & Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you define public art in the city of Aurora?
All art acquired through the public art process described on the previous page is defined as public art. The community input through art selection panels is always a key element in the public art process.
How can I participate in an art selection panel?
If you are interested in sitting on a future art selection panel, please email [email protected] with your name, email address, phone and mailing address.
How can I apply to be on the Art in Public Places Commission?
Commissioners must live in the city of Aurora and must be registered voters. For more information and an application visit Boards.
How are sites selected for public art?

Funding is commonly spent at or near the city construction project that generates the funding. The Art in Public Places Commission helps to prioritize sites and consider locations based on many factors and seeks to locate public art throughout the city.
I have some suggestions about places that need artwork. Where can I submit my ideas?
Please submit your site ideas to [email protected].
Do you have downloaded maps or tours of public art?
Please visit our website explore interactive maps of the collection. You can identify artworks near you home or other locations, plan walking tour, create driving tours, etc.
How do you define public art in the city of Aurora?
Put simple, all acquired through the public art process described on the previous page is defined as public art. The community input via selection panels in the process is always a key element.
How come many projects go to artists who are not from Aurora or even Colorado?
While geographic parameters may be appropriate for some projects, the goal is always to find the best artist for each particular project and the art selection process is competitive. Likewise, Aurora and Colorado based artists, can apply and compete for public art projects across the nation.
I have noticed that an artwork has been damaged or has graffiti on it. Who should I contact?
Please email [email protected], describe the artwork, the damage, and location of the artwork, and include photographs if possible.
I am an artist and want to apply for Aurora public art projects. How do I apply?
You can find any current project posted on our website: and through, a submittal platform managed by the Western States Art Federation. Applications are free and are made through
How can I get my artwork considered for Art 2C on Havana Street?
Applications are accepted every other year and selected artworks stay in place for 2 years. Look for the announcement on our website and through
I am an artist who does murals. How do I get to be part of Colfax Canvas?
Colfax Canvas is not a program of Aurora’s Art in Public Places Program. You can contact them directly through
Are there public art requirements for private developers in Aurora?
Yes, the city does have public art requirements for developers working in Metropolitan Districts and in Transit Oriented Development Districts. These projects are funded by the developers and follow guidelines similar to Aurora’s percent for art program. Please visit Private Developers seeking more detailed information and specific guidelines should email [email protected].
I am interested in donating a work of art. Who do I contact?
Please contact [email protected]. There is a formal process for consideration of potential donations.
How can I get a small project in my neighborhood?
The city offers some neighborhood based grants through the Department of Housing and Community Services. Please contact them directly at 303.739.7280 or [email protected].
How can we get a project done by kids?
The city does offer some neighborhood grants through the Department of Housing and Community Services. Please contact them directly at 303.739.7280 or [email protected].
Who do I need to talk to if I want to put a mural on my business?
These types of requests are handled through the city’s Building Permit Center. You can contact Permit Center staff at 303.739.7420 or email [email protected].
How can we get artwork on utility boxes?
The only utility boxes that are owned by the city of Aurora are the traffic control boxes. Please contact the Traffic Office located in Public Works. 303.739.7300 or [email protected].
I am interested in taking art classes. Does the city offer them?
Yes, the city offers classes in a wide variety of arts disciplines. To learn more, visit and click on the area of interest to you.
Other Questions?
Contact [email protected].

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