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Water Meter Replacement Program and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

Overview & Benefits

Aurora Water is almost finished upgrading the city’s water meter system to replace water meters that are approaching the end of their useful life and improve our water system. These advanced meters use a time-tested technology that gives us the ability to spot large leaks more quickly and manage our extensive water distribution system better. Customers can use a secure, web-based portal that allows you to monitor your water use, identify ways to conserve, and even set leak alarms for your home or business. See the information below to signup up for this portal. We anticipate having every property on these new water meters by the end of 2024. 

Aurora Water has contracted with Badger Meter to replace over 94,000 water meters over a four-year period. The meters read water flow through a highly accurate and reliable system that has been in use for many decades. What’s new is the way the meters are read and the readings getting to the utility billing system. Using an advanced technology called AMI, which stands for “Advanced Metering Infrastructure,” the water meter readings are transmitted to Aurora Water via cell phone signal. This allows us to read meters remotely and more frequently than our current “drive-by” technology referred to as AMR or “Automated Meter Reading.” AMR meters provide data from the meter only when our meter reading staff drives by to read them. Due to the large number of meters in Aurora, it is only practical to have one reading per month. The AMR meters do not have the capacity to store water use data, so only the only information being transmitted is the total meter reading at the time of transmission.

AMI meters, on the other hand, can store the meter data in regular intervals. The meter pushes that data out multiple times per day, giving us true picture of how much water is used and when. This can be invaluable in identifying large leaks before they can do damage. By analyzing this usage data, our water conservation professionals can help identify potential water savings, and our engineers can use this information to better design and manage our systems of pipes and valves.


  • Provides better information about water usage patterns across the city. The information will help enhance our ability to design, maintain and improve our water system. Ultimately, data will become available to customers to help improve their ability to manage their water usage.

  • Operates more efficiently, eliminating the need to read more than 90,000 meters every month using trucks with receivers.

  • Taking vehicles off the road helps reduce our community’s carbon footprint.

The AMI upgrade process

The initial implementation of the program began in the spring of 2019. We anticipate completion of this project by the end of 2024.

The installation process takes typically takes less than an hour and residential water service will interrupted for five to ten minutes. Commercial customers may also experience service interruptions. Our crews and our contractor partners will install these meter upgrades. Crews from Badger Meter, our installation contractor, will have Badger Meter ID badges and signage on their trucks that identify them as Aurora Water contractors. They will leave a doorhanger when the job is complete. There is no charge or deposit required for meter upgrades.

You will not notice any changes to your water service once the installation is complete. We will contact some customers by phone to check your satisfaction with the process. Our goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible for our customers.

If you have questions about the AMI system, please email

Am I be able to see my water usage online?

There are two ways you can view your water use data. The first way is to use our customer payment portal or dashboard at This portal shows your water usage on an hourly basis.

If you need leak alarms or more detailed water use data, sign up at Badger Meter's dashboard at This web-based portal provides a secured environment for customers to view their water use data, set alerts and leak alarms and learn more about water saving programs. If you still have an older meter, you can still access the portal, however, you will only see your water usage on a monthly basis. Once you get your new AMI meter, you will begin to view greater detail.

Meter Replacement FAQs

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