Under Aurora City Code, Section 138-229, Aurora Water and their contractors are authorized to inspect customer water service lines to determine what they are made of.
Following is the process when water service line investigations are taking place in your area:
- Aurora Water will mail a notification approximately 30-days in advance to the tenants and property owners of homes built in 1960 or earlier showing a lead, galvanized or unknown service line material on the interactive map.
- The notification outlines the inspection process and includes a request for the property owners to complete the Service Line Inspection and Agreement to Participate in the Lead Service Line Replacement Program form.
- A door hanger will be placed at the property at least 72 hours before the inspection to remind tenants of the upcoming service line inspection.
- Project updates are listed on EngageAurora.org/LeadReplacementProgram.
- The contractor will create two, 6" holes on the property and one 6" hole in the street to view the service line material.
- After the inspection, a door hanger with preliminary inspection results will be left at the property.
- If no lead or galvanized steel is found, no further action is needed.
- If lead or galvanized steel is confirmed, tenants will receive a filter with instructions, information on how to flush their water system, and tips for minimizing lead exposure.
- After quality control, a letter will be sent to owners and tenants confirming the service line material.
- To ensure the protection of public health, the Aurora City Council passed ordinance No. 2023-70 prohibiting lead and galvanized steel service lines.
- A full service line replacement costs approximately $10,000.
- In order for Aurora Water to replace the lead or galvanized steel service line for free, the property owner needs to sign the Service Line Inspection and Agreement to Participate in the Lead Service Line Replacement Program form.
- Property owners can opt out of the free program and hire a licensed plumber, but Aurora Water will not cover the cost.