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Snow Removal Responsibilities

Snow and ice on sidewalks can be slippery, not only to mail carriers and other delivery people but also to older adults, children, disabled people and anyone who gets around on foot.

Clear sidewalks are a shared community responsibility. Be neighborly. If you have a snow blower, running it an extra few feet down the sidewalk will be remembered by those who live nearby. If you have the time, sign up as part of our Snow Busters program and help shovel for someone in need.

Who is responsible for shoveling city sidewalks?
It is the property owner's responsibility to keep city sidewalks adjacent to their property free and clear of snow and ice, even though the sidewalks may be behind or outside the rear and side fences and adjacent to streets. This includes single- and multi-family homes, businesses and schools. Some HOAs may shovel city sidewalks; check with your HOA for details. The city is responsible for sidewalks adjacent to city-owned property like libraries and fire stations.

Do I have to shovel the sidewalks on my private property?
The city only requires that property owners shovel the city sidewalks adjacent to their property. There is no requirement that property owners shovel sidewalks, such as a path to the front door, on private property.

When must the snow and ice be removed from sidewalks?
Snow and ice must be removed within 24 hours after a snowfall ends, and 48 hours after a snow emergency (emergency declaration) is declared by the city. Visit this city of Aurora Municipal Code web page for the complete ordinance text.
How is this city ordinance enforced?
To ensure pedestrian safety, code enforcement officers respond to resident complaints concerning lack of snow and ice removal from sidewalks.

What is the penalty for failing to remove snow and ice from sidewalks?
An administrative fee of $25 for single-family homes and $50 for all others will be imposed after 24 hours and again after 48 hours if snow and ice are not removed. The city’s contractor then will be asked to remove the snow and/or ice, and the property owner or financial institution will be billed for all costs incurred. Officers are not required to give a warning notice prior to issuing a snow removal ticket. Chronic violators also will be issued a summons to appear in Aurora Municipal Court.

How may someone report a complaint about a property that has not shoveled?
Contact Access Aurora at 303.739.7000 or file the complaint online. Please wait 24 hours from the last snowfall before reporting a violation.

What if a resident or property owner needs help shoveling the snow and ice from sidewalks due to physical limitations?
Contact the city’s Snow Busters team, a volunteer program that provides snow shoveling assistance for Aurora’s elderly and people with disabilities. Some income limits may apply. The city does its best to match those in need with volunteers who can help. Find out how to help a neighbor in need by volunteering to serve as a Snow Buster.

How may someone ask questions about the snow removal ordinance?
Please call the Neighborhood Support Division at 303.739.7280.

Visit the Snow Removal page to find out more information about how the city keeps Aurora's street system clear and safe.

Bike Path and Public Facility Snow Removal

Aurora's bike paths and city-owned public facilities (libraries, recreation centers, etc.) are cleared by the Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) crews after the priority streets are completed and as employees and equipment become available. Typically, this could take two to three days following a major storm. View the PROS Snow & Ice Control Plan. For more information about Parks & Open Space, call 303.739.7160.

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