Aurora Municipal Court and Probation Department phone scam.
The Aurora Municipal Court urges the community to be vigilant regarding an active telephone impersonation scam. The impersonator identifies themself as a current Aurora Municipal Court Probation Officer. Victims have reported being told that a warrant has been issued for their arrest. The victim is told they must pay money to avoid being arrested or detained by the Department of Immigration. Victims are being instructed to purchase and send gift cards or send money grams. The Courts will never call to collect a fine without first sending written documentation. Likewise, court employees will never call to request payment for failing to appear in court. Court employees and law enforcement will never make contact by phone or suggest meeting on the street, at a store, or a jail facility for a cash payment and will never ask anyone to wire money. We ask the community to be aware of these recent fraudulent activities and alert others of this concern.
If you receive a suspicious call from someone alleging to be an official of the Court, please report the information to your local police department and notify the Colorado State Attorney General’s Office of the activity by visiting their website at
All cases handled by the Probation Division are misdemeanor in nature from the Aurora Municipal Court. Other misdemeanor, felony and interstate compact cases are handled by the state probation officers with the judicial districts. Adams County Probation handles state charges that occur NORTH of Colfax, and Arapahoe County Probation handles state charges that occur SOUTH of Colfax.
County, District, and Other Courts
Probation Officers
The Aurora Municipal Court has six full-time probation officers who supervise probation cases. Clients will receive their probation officer’s individual phone number upon signing up for probation. Clients must schedule appointments directly with their probation officers.
Support Staff
There are two support staff members who process incoming probationers, court orders, coordinate court ordered probationer fingerprints, manage criminal history checks and a variety of other administrative duties
Program Specialist/Victim Notification Coordinator
We have one staff member who handles all community service, court ordered classes and in-home detention referrals. PRIOR to beginning community service, clients MUST be signed up through the Program Specialist in order to receive credit for their work. Please visit Community Service for More information.
Additionally, this staff member manages the Probation Department’s Victim Notification Program. This program provides information to victims of domestic violence sentenced to the probation.
Juvenile Court Program Assistant/ Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
We have one part time staff member who teaches our MRT class. For additional information on MRT.
Probation Division Fees (subject to change)
Adult Supervised Probation- $360 per year
Juvenile Supervised Probation- $240 per year
All Supervised Deferred Judgment - $120 per year
Court Costs - $35
Victim Witness Advocacy Fund (VWAF) - $50
Community Service Fee - $28.50 (MUST be paid before signing up for Community Service)
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) - $102 (class and workbook. MUST be paid before signing up for MRT)
Contact Information
Aurora Municipal Court Probation Department
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
14999 E. Alameda Parkway
Aurora, CO 80012
[email protected]