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Consent Decree Progress

Image of a group of hands in a circle with the words Commitment to Progress and the logos of the city of Aurora, Aurora Police Department and Aurora Fire Rescue

Consent Decree Progress

IntegrAssure, which was named the Aurora consent decree monitor in February 2022, provides technical assistance on new policies and training to ensure mandates are met on schedule. Progress is communicated to the community through regularly published reports, including four quarterly reports in year one and two semi-annual reports in year two.

More information on the Report Card Matrix is available at

In the summary below, hover over the dots for more information, and click on the dots for a description of the mandate.


     APD - Aurora Police Department
AFR - Aurora Fire Rescue
CSC - Civil Service Commission
 Substantial compliance- Substantial compliance
 Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 75 to 99% complete- Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 75 to 99% complete
 Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 50 to 74% complete- Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 50 to 74% complete
 Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 25 to 49% complete- Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 25 to 49% complete
 Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 0 to 24% complete- Right track, in line with monitor expectations, estimated 0 to 24% complete
 Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 75 to 99% complete- Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 75 to 99% complete
 Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 50 to 74% complete- Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 50 to 74% complete
 Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 25 to 49% complete- Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 25 to 49% complete
 Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 0 to 24% complete- Cautionary track, at this time uncertain if monitor’s expectations will be met, estimated 0 to 24% complete
 Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 75 to 99% complete- Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 75 to 99% complete
 Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 50 to 74% complete- Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 50 to 74% complete
 Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 25 to 49% complete- Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 25 to 49% complete
 Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 0 to 24% complete- Wrong track or unacceptably overdue, expectations of monitor are not being met, estimated 0 to 24% complete
 Not yet evaluated- Not yet evaluated

Description of Mandates

Policies and Training Generally

Mandate 1A - Policies and Training Generally (APD): APD and AFR will develop policies that are consistent and complimentary and will conduct training for coordinated response and will hold officers and firefighters accountable for policy violation

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Mandate 1B - Policies and Training Generally (AFR): APD and AFR will develop policies that are consistent and complimentary and will conduct training for coordinated response and will hold officers and firefighters accountable for policy violation

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Mandate 2A - Policy development, review and implementation process (APD): City will work with the Monitor to evaluate policies, training and implementation, and develop process to speed up process.

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Mandate 2B - Policy development, review and implementation process (AFR): City will work with the Monitor to evaluate policies, training and implementation, and develop process to speed up process.

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Mandate 2C - Policy development, review and implementation process (CSC): City will work with the Monitor to evaluate policies, training and implementation, and develop process to speed up process.

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Mandate 3A - Submission of new policies for review (APD): City must submit any covered policies, procedures, rules to the Monitor for review and approval 

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Mandate 3B - Submission of new policies for review (AFR):  City must submit any covered policies, procedures, rules to the Monitor for review and approval 

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Mandate 3C - Submission of new policies for review (CSC):  City must submit any covered policies, procedures, rules to the Monitor for review and approval 

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Mandate 4A - Incorporation of Best Practices and Scenario-based Training (APD): APD must incorporate best practices into CD-required training, including greater use of scenario-based training

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Mandate 4B - Incorporation of Best Practices and Scenario-based Training (AFR): AFR must incorporate best practices into CD-required training, including greater use of scenario-based training.

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Mandate 5A - Incorporation of Best Practices and Scenario-based Training (APD): APD will share all training plans with Monitor for approval and will seek outside SME as needed.

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Mandate 5B - Incorporation of Best Practices and Scenario-based Training (AFR): AFR will share all training plans with Monitor for approval and will seek outside SME as needed.

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Addressing Racial Bias in Policing

Mandate 6 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Objectives - Metrics: City must measurably change APD engagement with community including reducing racial disparities in contacts, arrests and uses of force.

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Mandate 7 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Objectives - Transparency: City will create full public transparency on how APD contacts, arrests and uses of force including racial disparities in each category.

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Mandate 8 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Objectives - Policies and Training: City will improve policies and training in contacts, arrests and uses of force giving concrete guidance on decision-making and discretion, including role of bias and strategies to combat bias.

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Mandate 9 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Policy Changes – Amendment of Existing Policies - Revision of Directive 8.32 (Biased-based policing): APD will review and revise biased-policing policy to prohibit discrimination including more detail and examples.

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Mandate 10 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Policy Changes – Amendment of Existing Policies - Revision of Directive 6.01 (Arrest Procedure): APD will review and revise arrest policy to prohibit discrimination including more detail and examples.

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Mandate 11 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Creation of New Policies - Stops: APD will draft policies on contacts/stops with practical guidance for decision making on the exercise of discretion.

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Mandate 12 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Training - Academy Training (Development): Development of Academy based training in bias, decision making, avoiding nnecessary escalation, doing what should be done, recordkeeping requirements and articulation of basis for encounters.

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Mandate 13 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Training - Academy Training (Delivery): Delivery of Academy based training in bias, decision making, avoiding unnecessary escalation, doing what should be done, recordkeeping requirements and articulation of basis for encounters.

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Mandate 14 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Training – In-Service Training (Development): Development of in-service based training in bias, decision making, avoiding nnecessary escalation, doing what should be done, recordkeeping requirements and articulation of basis for encounters.

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Mandate 15 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Training – In-Service Training (Delivery): Delivery of in-service based training in bias, decision making, avoiding unnecessary escalation, doing what should be done, recordkeeping requirements and articulation of basis for encounters.

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Mandate 16 - Addressing Racial Bias in Policing - Goals and Measurement: APD will with Monitor develop metrics to measure improvement in training, recordkeeping of police interactions, documentation and tracking of uses of force, misdemeanor arrest outcomes for specified offenses.

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Use of Force

Mandate 17 - Use of Force - Objectives – Policies and Training: City shall create improved policies to handle situations that reduce the UOF and ensure that UOF is in compliance with state and federal law, protect officer and community safety, and build a culture of continuous improvement.

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Mandate 18 - Use of Force - Objectives – Culture of De-escalation: City will create a culture that prioritizes de-escalation in accordance with Colorado law without compromising officer safety.

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Mandate 19 - Use of Force - Objectives – Accountability Measures: The city shall improve and develop accountability measures that consistently identify excessive uses of force, where force should not have been used even though legal, and recurring training or tactical issues related to UOF.

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Mandate 20A - Use of Force - Objectives - Culture of Coordination and Collaboration Between APD and AFR (APD): The City shall create a culture of collaboration between Aurora Police and Fire.

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Mandate 20B - Use of Force - Objectives - Culture of Coordination and Collaboration Between APD and AFR (AFR): The City shall create a culture of collaboration between Aurora Police and Fire.

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Mandate 21 - Use of Force - Policy Changes: Adoption of CJI UOF Policies in collaboration with CDM by UOF Policy Deadline.

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Mandate 22 - Use of Force - Amendment of Existing Policies: City will make appropriate changes to Use of Physical and Deadly Force (5.03), Reporting and Investigating Use of Force (5.04), Dealing with Person with Mental Health Disorders (6.13), Coordination with AFR (9.06). and limits on UOF.

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Mandate 23 - Use of Force - Creation of New Policies: City will create a policy, procedure or other directive to facilitate the comprehensive joint coordination policy between APD and AFR.

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Mandate 24 - Use of Force - Force Review Board (Recent Changes): Any changes to recent amendments of policy must go through the CDM.

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Mandate 25 - Use of Force - Changes to Process (Feedback for Training): Additional Changes to UOFRB policies to include formalization of coordination with training, district commanders and AFR staff where practices can be improved.

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Mandate 26 - Use of Force - Changes to Process (Review in Context): UOFRB policy to change to mandate review is in context of overall circumstances of encounter including the mental capacity of suspect.

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Mandate 27 - Use of Force - Changes to Process (Measurement of Uses of Force): Modification of policies to develop reliable metrics for frequency of UOF, compliance with policy, injuries to subjects, officer safety, mental health holds and other relevant metrics.

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Mandate 28 - Use of Force - Collaboration with Academy and Other Sections: UOFRB to include Academy staff, BWCV should be used to train showing good and bad techniques for de-escalation and other tactics.

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Mandate 29 - Use of Force - Training (Scenario-based training): All training to be completed by UOF Training completion deadline and must use scenario based training.

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Mandate 30 - Use of Force - Training (De-escalation training): All training to be completed by UOF Training completion deadline and must include de-escalation training.

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Mandate 31 - Use of Force - Training (Joint APD and AFR Training): All training to be completed by UOF Training completion deadline and must include joint training between AFR and APD and stresses on-scene coordination.

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Mandate 32 - Use of Force - Goals and Measurement: Working with the CDM APD will develop metrics to include at least, ABLE training, crisis intervention training, number and type of use-of-force incidents and complaints.

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Documentation of Stops

Mandate 33 - Documentation of Stops - Objectives: The City must develop a documentation system that complies with state law that allows for prompt and transparent review of officer behavior and allows APD to identify successes and areas for improvement.

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Mandate 34 - Documentation of Stops - Policy Changes (General Principle): APD will develop policies that conform with state law that reduce the need for multiple trainings and policy updates and allows information to flow into a system that links officer information with stop info.

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Mandate 35 - Documentation of Stops - Policy Changes - Creation of New Policies (Legal Requirements for Stops): APD will create a new policy that provides guidance on the different types of contacts officers make including an encounter, a detention (Terry stop) and arrests.

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Mandate 36 - Documentation of Stops - Policy Changes – Creation of New Policies (Recordkeeping Requirements): APD will create a new policy for implementing the collection of data under CRS provisions.

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Mandate 37 - Documentation of Stops - Training Plan Development: APD will develop a training plan in consultation with the Monitor for implementing new policies and for revisions of current policies.

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Mandate 38 - Documentation of Stops - Training – Training (Delivery): APD will train all personnel who interact with the public. Monitor will review the training.

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Mandate 39 - Documentation of Stops - Goals and Measurements: APD must create the above policies, effectively train, and monitor compliance with the policies in the field. Monitoring will include review of BWCV, review of reports and ride-alongs.

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Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint

Mandate 40 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint – Objectives: Ketamine will not be used in the field absent a revision of policy reviewed and approved by Montior.

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Mandate 41 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint – Objectives: Use of other chemical sedatives must be in accordance with state law and waiver requirements and be closely reviewed to ensure same.

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Mandate 42 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as Chemical Restraint – Objectives: Use of any chemical in the field will be based solely on a medical determination without recommendation or suggestion by APD. Policies of both agencies must reflect same.

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Mandate 43 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint – Objectives: If any objections by Monitor there will be a meet and confer process to resolve those objections.

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Mandate 44 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint – Policy Changes if Ketamine is Used: If Ketamine is sought to be used in the field again, AFR will work with Monitor to develop policies and procedures for same.

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Mandate 45 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint - Process Changes: AFR will develop a post-incident analysis procedure for Ketamine if being reintroduced.

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Mandate 46 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint – Evaluation of Chemical Sedation: AFR must review each chemical sedative utilization to determine if use was warranted under policy and law, whether officers were involved in decision, and risk factors.

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Mandate 47 - Evaluation of Chemical sedation: The review required in Mandate 46 must be summarized at least twice a year with basic tabular data and in compliance with CRS 18-8-805(2)(b)(1).

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Mandate 48 - Use of Ketamine and Other Sedatives as a Chemical Restraint – Goals and Measurement: If Ketamine is reintroduced the Monitor will regularly review.

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Recruitment, Hiring and Promotion

Mandate 49A - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Objectives (APD): APD will transform the recruitment and hiring process to create a more diverse and qualified workforce and create a culture of continuous improvement.

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Mandate 49B - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Objectives (AFR): AFR will transform the recruitment and hiring process to create a more diverse and qualified workforce and create a culture of continuous improvement.

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Mandate 49C - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Objectives (CSC): The City will transform recruiting and hiring processes to create a more diverse and qualified workforce and establish APD and AFR’s commitments to a culture of continuous improvement.

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Mandate 50 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Objectives: The City will improve transparency, accountability and predictability in discipline review including by facilitating CSC standardization and codification of elements of the disciplinary review process.

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Mandate 51 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Objectives: The City will improve transparency, and accountability in the work of the CSC such that Community understands the role that the CSC plays in hiring, promotion and discipline.

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Mandate 52 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Recruitment (APD): APD will revise review and revise recruitment and hiring programs to attract and hire a diverse group of qualified individuals through a plan that has clear goals, objectives and action steps.

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Mandate 53 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Recruitment (AFR): AFR will revise review and revise recruitment and hiring programs to attract and hire a diverse group of qualified individuals through a plan that has clear goals, objectives and action steps.

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Mandate 54 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Recruitment (APD): The recruitment plan should include an examination of minimum qualifications for both new recruits and lateral hires in consultation with the Civil Service Commission.

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Mandate 55 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Recruitment (AFR): The recruitment plan should include an examination of minimum qualifications for both new recruits and laterals in consultation with the Civil Service Commission.

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Mandate 56 - Recruitment (Outreach for Diversity) (APD): The recruitment plan should include an outreach to community leaders and stakeholders, to increase the diversity of APD's applicant pool and identify candidates that are committed to community policing and have skills to succeed.

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Mandate 57 - Recruitment (Outreach for Diversity) (AFR): The recruitment plan should include an outreach to community leaders and stakeholders, to increase the diversity of APD's applicant pool and identify candidates and have skills to succeed.

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Mandate 58 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Recruitment (APD): The plan should include broad distribution of career opportunities and details pertaining thereto in the metro Denver area, and make the same info available on the website with direct contact to recruiting member.

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Mandate 59 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion – Recruitment (AFR): The plan should include broad distribution of career opportunities and details pertaining thereto in the metro Denver area, and make the same info available on the website with direct contact to recruiting member.

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Mandate 60 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion - Civil Service Commission (Hiring of Entry-Level Police Officers and Firefighters): APD and AFR must assume a much more active role in the hiring of individuals from the eligibility lists and have the final say on which candidates get hired.

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Mandate 61 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion - Civil Service Commission (Promotion): he CSC will work with the Monitor and outside expert to make changes to the promotional process.

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Mandate 62 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion - Civil Service Commission (Discipline - Timeliness): The CSC will revise rules that reduce the time for a hearing; will strongly consider not allowing a full de novo review of disciplinary cases.

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Mandate 63 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion - Civil Service Commission (Discipline): The CSC will revise it rules to revise the content of decisions so as to contain a plain statement of the actual allegation, defenses, findings and basis of decision that public can understand.

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Mandate 64 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion - Civil Service Commission (Discipline): The CSC will revise it rules to make as much of its business easily accessible to the public including discipline decisions, requests for continuance, and identification with reasons for any non-public material.

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Mandate 65 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion - Civil Service Commission (Outside Expert): The City and CSC will hire an outside expert to assist in developing best practices for recruiting and hiring.

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Mandate 66 - Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion - Civil Service Commission (Transparency): The CSC will conduct as much as its business as possible so that it is easily accessible from its website and shall identify any business which is not being conducted in a way that is publicly available.

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Accountability and Transparency

Mandate 67 - Accountability and Transparency - Objectives: The City will develop systems that regularly and easily identify trends and patterns in the conduct of its officers with the ability to track conduct by officer, supervisor, shift, beat and district.

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Mandate 68 - Accountability and Transparency - Goals and Measurements: With the Monitor and outside expert develop a system that tracks disciplinary outcomes, identification of trends or patterns of sustained complaints, and public reporting of data collection.

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