Take Our Survey by Nov. 11 on Havana and Yale Sidewalk Project

The city of Aurora is in the early phases of design of a project that will improve pedestrian access in three locations along Havana Street and Yale Avenue.
Thanks to the residents who attended our Oct. 22 Havana and Yale Multimodal Access Improvements Project Open House and provided feedback.
There is still time to offer input online through a survey and comments on our roll plots. Please visit EngageAurora.org/HavanaYaleAccess to review and comment on the designs by Nov. 11
The project will fill in gaps in the sidewalk network, widen substandard sidewalks and improve multimodal access. Project improvements on Havana Street include implementing some recommendations from the 2023 Havana Street Corridor Study.
The targeted locations are Havana Street from Montview Boulevard to East 13th Avenue, Havana Street from East Fourth Way to just north of East First Avenue, and East Yale Avenue from South Peoria Street to South Xanadu Way.
These locations were selected for this project since they are heavily used transit-oriented corridors where the need for safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle access to transit facilities is critical.
Visit AuroraGov.org/MissingSidewalks for additional information.