The next opportunity to provide input for Connecting Aurora, our first-ever citywide multimodal transportation master plan, is happening from April 1 to 22.
Residents and other stakeholders may offer feedback on the proposed visionary transportation networks and help us prioritize project categories. Community feedback gathered over the last year related to existing conditions and imagined transportation and land use futures guided in development of the plan to date.
Visit EngageAurora.org/ConnectingAurora to explore the ideas and take a survey (anyone who takes the survey will be entered into a drawing for a Target gift card), or join us for one of the following events:
Virtual Town Hall
Wednesday, April 9, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Sign up to receive the meeting link: cutt.ly/VirtualTownHall
Talk online with the project team directly at this live virtual town hall on Zoom. Provide feedback and answer questions. Anyone who attends and stays until the end will be entered into a drawing that night for a Target gift card. Spanish interpretation will be provided, and additional languages can be arranged on request three days in advance.
Engage Aurora Live!
Saturday, April 19, anytime between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Aurora Municipal Center, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway (park on the west side)
Come out to our first-ever citywide community engagement event to offer feedback on this and several other critical city projects. Bring the family and enjoy free food, Touch-A-Truck and other activities.
Roundtable Discussion and Dinner
Tuesday, April 22, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Central Library Community Room, 14949 E. Alameda Parkway
Sign up at EngageAurora.org/ConnectingAurora so we can plan for food
Join us in person for dinner and a roundtable discussion. Spanish interpretation will be available, and additional languages can be arranged on request at least three days in advance. Anyone who attends and stays until the end will be entered into a drawing that night for a Target gift card.
Connecting Aurora will help identify and prioritize future transportation improvement projects throughout Aurora. Developing such a massive and impactful plan is not possible without help from our community. To date, thousands of community members have provided input throughout the course of the project. Find out more at EngageAurora.org/ConnectingAurora.