The expenditure reporting amount that lobbyists must report to the city of Aurora has been adjusted effective April 1 per Aurora city code.
The amendment to Aurora City Code Section 2-954 reads as follows:
(3)(a) An itemized list and the estimated value of any gift, entertainment, or direct expenditure equal
to or in excess of $75.00 $89.00 to, on behalf of, or benefitting the covered official for lobbying
purposes, including, but not limited to: monies, tickets, gratuities, expressed agreements, or any
tangible thing of value of any amount;
The new reporting amount will apply starting with the second quarter report (April 1 to June 30 activity) and is due July 15.
The city initially passed an ordinance in 2021 that requires any person or organization lobbying in Aurora to register with the Aurora City Clerk's Office prior to conducting any lobbying activities.
Additional information is available at AuroraGov.org/Lobby.
Registration for both individuals and organizations is available at AuroraGov.org/Lobby. Lobbyists must file a registration annually by Jan. 15, or before conducting any lobbying. City officers, city employees and city board members acting in their official capacity are not required to register.
Lobbyists are required to file financial reports disclosing any income or expenditures made from lobbying. Reports must be filed by April 15, July 15, Oct. 15 and Jan. 15.
Lobbying in the city of Aurora requires any person or organization to comply with all requirements in the Aurora Revised Municipal Code Chapter II, Article IX. All lobbyists and any individual communicating directly with or soliciting others to communicate with a covered official for the purposes of influence or to persuade the covered official shall file registration statements and quarterly financial reports with the City Clerk. A complete list of covered officials is available in the Lobbyist Registration Guide at AuroraGov.org/Lobby.