The city of Aurora has upgraded an existing software program to improve its online customer portal technology that primarily services building, planning and development customers.
The public will be able to access the new portal—DevPortal.AuroraGov.org—on March 15.
Services on this new portal will roll out in phases over the coming months, starting with neighborhood and community group registration and Office of Development Assistance pre-application services in this first phase. Services related to land development review will launch on the site in April, and specific dates for that launch will be shared later this month.
The city is greatly enhancing its pre-application process for building and development through this new portal with the inclusion of pre-application services. This new pre-application process will offer customers a more streamlined method for requesting a pre-application meeting, track the progress of their meeting request, and review notes generated from the meeting.
At the same time, online registration for neighborhood and community groups was previously available at BuildAurora.org but is moving to this new portal. Neighborhood and community groups may register, renew registration, or update contact information through this portal.
Neighborhood and community groups are encouraged to register with the city to be notified about development projects happening in their area, and qualify to apply for neighborhood grant opportunities or book meeting room space at libraries and fire stations for free.
Future phases of the portal will include the addition of other commercial business online services related to temporary use permits, code enforcement, building, planning and development, and public review and comment of development projects.
Until additional planning, building and development services shift to the new portal, business and residential customers should continue using Aurora4Biz.org and BuildAurora.org—along with AuroraGov.org—for online services unrelated to neighborhood and community group registration and pre-application services.
The improvements to this online customer portal technology are part of the city’s Development Process Improvement Plan to streamline processes, enhance review capabilities and provide better customer service.