Join the city of Aurora on the high plains for the annual Agriculture Festival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, to learn about innovative ways to support healthy farming environments and sustainable eating practices.
This annual event will take place at Plains Conservation Center, 21901 E. Hampden Ave., where guests will be invited to explore the site, while they learn about where their food comes from, how to support regenerative agriculture, sustainable eating and history.
“Agriculture is a heavy influencer in environmental health; the more people learn about where their food comes from, the better stewards of nature they can be,” said Fendi Despres, Aurora naturalist and event manager. “We're doing an interactive activity called What's on My Plate? People who attend will have a chance to learn about each ingredient in a sandwich and the process that ingredients go through until they get to their plate; we will also have an exhibit on conventional agriculture and regenerative agriculture.”
Attendees will also be able to enjoy wagon rides, 1880s homestead and tipi camp tours, farm animal interactions, educational seminars, food vendors and more. Agriculture Fest is for all ages. Admission is $5 per vehicle. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit AuroraGov.org/AGFest.
This event is presented by the city of Aurora Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department and Denver Botanic Gardens.