The term is ending Dec. 31 for three Aurora Planning and Zoning Commission members, and the city of Aurora is accepting applications now to fill those seats.
The deadline to apply to be considered for one of the impending vacancies is Oct. 11. The Aurora City Council will determine candidates to interview by Oct. 28, with interviews taking place during the Nov. 4 council study session. New commissioners will be appointed Nov. 18.
The outgoing commissioners may reapply to be reappointed, which may impact the current schedule based on any City Council decision to reappoint.
The commission provides recommendations to the Aurora City Council on zoning and a wide range of planning- and development-related issues. Members also review site plans and use approvals unless appealed to the City Council.
Members must be registered electors and residents of Aurora for at least one year immediately preceding the date of their appointment. No member shall hold paid office or position in the city administration. If any member ceases to be an Aurora resident, membership will terminate immediately. The term of service is three years.
To apply for the commission, call the City Clerk’s Office at 303.739.7094 or visit AuroraGov.org/Boards. The Aurora City Council will interview selected applicants at a future study session.
The commission usually meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.