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Retiree Benefits

Congratulations on your retirement from the city of Aurora! As you enjoy your retirement, we want to make sure you have everything you need for a fulfilling and healthy retirement. To assist you, we’ve prepared a comprehensive Benefits Enrollment Guide tailored specifically for our retirees (linked below). This guide will help you navigate your benefits and make any necessary updates for you and your family. 

We are here to support you. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected] or 303.739.7225. 

Form 1095-C available in Workday 
Due to recent updates to the IRS’s Affordable Care Act reporting requirements, employers are no longer required to distribute printed copies of Form 1095-C to employees/retirees automatically. However, beginning Feb. 21, 2025, employees can view and print their 1095-C in Workday if needed.

Form 1095-C provides information about health coverage offered by Applicable Large Employers (ALEs), which are employers with 50 or more full-time employees. Full-time employees who have worked for at least one month or are enrolled in an ALE’s self-insured health plan may receive this form. While Form 1095-C may assist in preparing your tax return, it is not required to file your taxes. You may learn more about this form via the IRS website.

Open Enrollment

The Open Enrollment process begins in late October through early November and allows retirees to make benefit changes for the upcoming year. For retirees, this enrollment period is usually passive which means your current benefits will automatically rollover if no action is taken. 

About a month prior to Open Enrollment, communication will be mailed to the home address on file and provide retirees with plan details and changes. If you do not receive this communication, contact the city's Benefits Team at [email protected].


If you contributed to Social Security through your payroll taxes, coverage is most commonly available at age 65. Certain health conditions may provide earlier eligibility. If you have not contributed towards Social Security during your working career, you may still participate in Medicare by self-paying or possibly under your spouse’s coverage. Contact the Social Security office if you’re unsure of your Medicare eligibility status or how to enroll.

  • Visit and click on Sign up for Medicare.
  • To schedule an appointment, call Social Security at 800.772.1213 (if you are deaf or hard of hearing, call 800.325.0778). 
  • Apply at your local Social Security office at 14280 E. Jewell Ave. in Aurora

Learn about the different parts of Medicare
Each part of Medicare serves a specific purpose and can be combined in various ways to provide comprehensive health coverage tailored to individual needs.

Kaiser's Senior Advantage Plan 

Kaiser's Senior Advantage Plan, also known as Medicare Part C and Part D, is available when you or your spouse become Medicare eligible, typically at age 65. Medicare Part A and Part B are required to participate in the program. Review the 2024 Senior Advantage Summary of Benefits (PDF).

If you did not initially enroll in Medicare Part B, please complete the employee section of the CMS-L564 Form, which the Social Security Administration office can provide. Download and complete the form, and send it to us at [email protected] so we can complete the Employer Portion. The completed CMS-L564 Form provides Social Security Administration with proof of credible coverage through the city of Aurora, so you will not pay a Part B enrollment penalty.

Enrolling in Kaiser's Senior Advantage Plan

To enroll in Kaiser's Senior Advantage plan, please complete the enrollment form (linked below) and send it to us at [email protected]. In that email, please include a scanned copy of your Medicare card indicating enrollment in Part A and Part B or provide a verification letter from the Social Security Administration confirming the start dates of your Part A and Part B coverage. Once received, we will forward your application to Kaiser to ensure your monthly premium payment is updated. Please note you are still responsible for paying for Part B (or potentially Part A) directly to the Social Security Administration.

Please note, if you are completing the enrollment form on behalf of a retiree, dependents should enter their own information, not the retiree's. 

If you require a new post-employment health plan letter, please contact us. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Have questions? Did your address or phone number change? Or, would you like to cancel your retiree benefits? Please contact the city's Benefits Team at [email protected]

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