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Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

What Is An LEPC?
A Local Emergency Planning Committee or LEPC is a voluntary organization established to meet the requirements of the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA Title III), for emergency response planning. EPCRA contains four major provisions:

  • Planning for chemical emergency

  • Emergency notification of chemical accidents and releases

  • Reporting of hazardous chemical inventories (Tier Two Reports)

  • Toxic chemical release reporting

Although these are the minimum requirements, the city of Aurora LEPC has chosen to take a multi-objective planning approach.

What Does An LEPC Do?
Under EPCRA, an LEPC is the focal point for chemical emergency response planning and implementation in a community. The LEPC's key responsibilities are:

  • Assisting local governments in developing hazardous materials emergency response plans

  • Evaluating the community's need for resources to respond to hazardous materials emergencies

  • Processing requests from the public for information on hazardous chemicals in the community hazard assessment and vulnerability studies as well as exercising

The city of Aurora LEPC promotes emergency planning, preparedness, and public awareness, to protect the community from the potential impact of natural or technological hazards of hazardous chemical and substances,bioterrorism and related disasters.

The Aurora LEPC Contact information 

Aurora LEPC
C/O Aurora Fire Department - Office of Emergency Management
15151 E. Alameda Parkway, 4th Floor
Aurora, CO 80012

For technical questions regarding Tier II reporting requirements, please email the Aurora LEPC, [email protected] or call the EPCRA Hotline at 1.800.424.9346 or 703.412.9810;
TDD 1.800.553.7672, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., EST

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