The city is planning to potentially replace three cul-de-sacs with through streets to 17th Avenue, starting first with Alton Street to test the project's effectiveness.
The "dead end" cul-de-sacs will be removed on Alton, Beeler and Boston streets to allow vehicular traffic to flow through to 17th Avenue. The changes are due to concerns from local residents, property owners and the Aurora Police Department about loitering and crime.
The safety of Aurora residents is of utmost importance to the city of Aurora. Calls to the Aurora Police Department in the Alton/17th Avenue area have nearly doubled in the past year. Opening the cul-de-sac will allow more visibility to the area, which will help reduce crime and loitering. The effectiveness of opening the cul-de-sac at Alton Street will be assessed prior to the opening of Boston and Beeler streets.
The curb lines, sidewalks and sewer lines will be adjusted to accommodate the through-street configuration. New ADA curb ramps are anticipated at the intersections.
Planned Survey Work
A topographic survey will be performed to locate and record existing property line monumentation and to measure the existing elevations of the roadway, sewer grates, sidewalks and similar within the project area. Fence lines will also be surveyed and compared to property line records; homeowners will be contacted independently if a fence line is encroaching into the city of Aurora right of way.
Project Funding
The city of Aurora is providing funding for both design and construction of this project.