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Lead Service Line Replacement Program


Para determinar el material de la línea de servicio de agua, Aurora Water debe crear dos agujeros de 6 pulgadas en su propiedad. Cuando esté terminado, se rellenarán los huecos y se restaurará el paisaje lo más cerca posible de su condición anterior a la construcción. De acuerdo con el Código de la Ciudad 138-229, Aurora Water y nuestro contratista pueden acceder al patio sin consentimiento previo para realizar estas investigaciones.

Si se encuentra plomo o acero galvanizado, el propietario debe completar el formulario de Reconocimiento y Acuerdo para que Aurora Water y su contratista reemplacen la línea de servicio por una de cobre. Aurora Water está pagando la nueva línea de servicio, que normalmente cuesta $10,000 por un reemplazo completo de la línea, sin costo para el propietario.

To determine the water service line material, Aurora Water must create two, 6-inch holes on your property. When finished, the holes will be filled, and the landscape restored to as close as possible to its pre-construction condition. In accordance with City Code 138-229, Aurora Water and our contractor, AGL, can access the yard without prior consent to conduct these investigations.

If lead or galvanized steel is found, the property owner must complete the Acknowledgement and Agreement form for Aurora Water and its contractor to replace the service line with a copper one. Aurora Water is paying for the new service line, which normally costs $10,000 for a full-line replacement, at no cost to the property owner.


Aurora Water is seeking additional state and federal funding for the Lead Service Line Replacement Program. Learn more by viewing the Project Needs Assessment (PNA).


Link to public-facing lead map.

Click on the map and enter your address to view what type of water service line Aurora Water has listed. Be sure to include the initial for East, West, North or South before your street name. For example, enter 15151 E. Alameda Parkway.

The data used to develop the map is based on verified records, recent inspections and the year a property was constructed. Material types shown include:

Unknown: When records are missing or unverifiable, or there have been no documented inspections.

Lead: Some or all of the service line is made of lead.

Galvanized steel: Some or all of the service line is made of galvanized steel.

Not lead: The service line is known to be copper or plastic.

Why are some service lines categorized as "unknown"? In Colorado, properties constructed in 1960 or earlier sometimes installed lead or galvanized steel water service lines. Unfortunately, records stating the type of service line material that was used often do not exist or cannot be verified. Currently, Aurora Water has more than 5,000 service lines marked as unknown, which means these lines still need to be inspected to determine what the service line is made of. To view the map, visit

Lead was sometimes used for water service lines installed in 1960 or earlier. Aurora Water is in the process of identifying and removing these lines. Questions? Contact us at 720.859.4411 or [email protected].

For updates about where Aurora Water and our contractors are currently working, visit and click on the News section near the bottom.

Frequently asked questions

Aurora Water's contractors for the Lead Service Line Replacement Program.

AGL Construction logo Brannan Companies logo  Dirt X logo  Oracle Plumbing logo

If you have any questions about whether someone is with the lead program, call our Lead Hotline at 720.859.4411 or email [email protected]

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