Celebrate and support the release of “Sapello Son,” the Editors’ Selection from the 2022 Frost Place Chapbook Competition done by Bull City Press, alongside writers Aerik Francis, Lena Rogin, Brian Lupo, Maria Tolche and Ahja Fox 7 p.m., Friday, Aug. 9 at Mission Viejo Library, 15324 E. Hampden Circle.
About the Book
“From its opening pages, Alejandro Lucero’s “Sapello Son” shows us how our pasts orbit us, untouchable, burning and comet-bright. With poems so perfectly rendered at times I thought I was remembering instead of reading, Lucero charts addiction, poverty, grief, beauty, and so much more.[...]” - TODD DILLARD, author of “Ways We Vanish"
About Alejandro Lucero
Alejandro Lucero is a poet from New
Mexico who began both his pursuit of writing and interest in teaching at
Arapahoe Community College and the University of Colorado, Denver. He
currently lives in Baltimore, where he teaches in the Writing Seminars
at Johns Hopkins and is an incoming managing editor for The Hopkins
Register for Wordsmith Wonder Highlight: Alejandro Lucero