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More Services Rolling Out on New Portal

More Services Rolling Out on New Portal
Posted on 07/12/2024
Image of Aurora Municipal Center building with news word

As part of the city’s launch of this year, some additional online services will move to the new platform in the coming weeks. Customers may use the portal to access the services listed below starting on the following dates:

  • July 19: Aurora Water floodplain development permits
  • Aug. 2: Temporary use permits, temporary sign permits and film permits
    • Temporary use permits are required if an activity like an athletic event, street fair, arts and crafts show, carnival, rally, parade or similar will occur on a city street or right of way and interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic or if the activity will occur on private property.
    • Temporary sign permits are only required for the display of pennants and home builder signs for development.
    • Film permits are required for any commercial, non-commercial or student-produced film, video or photography activity that occurs in Aurora city limits and meets certain criteria (including filming on city-owned property, potential disruption caused by the filming activity, display of firearms within view of the public, or use of pyrotechnics)
  • Sept. 13: Arborist license application and renewal
  • Sept. 27: Donation bin permits and block party permits
    • Donation bin permits are required for all existing and new donation bins (operated by charitable or for-profit organizations).
    • Block party permits are only required if neighbors want to block off a city street or cul-de-sac with barricade for a neighborhood event. will be offline from 6 p.m. the night prior to new services launching until the morning of the day of launch.

Services on this new portal will continue to roll out in phases over the coming months. Community and neighborhood group registration, pre-application services, and small cell and fiber licensing have already moved to the portal. 

Future phases of the portal will include the addition of other commercial business online services related to code enforcement, building, planning and development, Aurora Water business services, and public review and comment of development projects. Until additional planning, building and development services shift to the new portal, business and residential customers should continue using and—along with—for online services not available on

These improvements are part of the city’s Development Process Improvement Plan to streamline processes, enhance review capabilities and provide better customer service.

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