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Instructor Kaleb McClellan

Instructor Kaleb McClellan

Kaleb McClellan

Originally from the swampy south, I fell in love with clay when a friend convinced me to take a pottery class in exchange for her joining me for an ASL class. From that very first class, I was hooked.

For the last four years, I have spent hours in the studio mud-wrestling with clay, my own two hands, and my imagination. Competition is fierce between my hands and the clay, but my imagination wins every time. I appreciate whimsy as a major part of my process and strive to bring an attitude of fun to my classes. When I take the craft too seriously, pottery finds a way to humble me.

Experimentation is a pillar of my craft, along with a healthy understanding of the futility of best laid plans- but plans gone astray can lead to a lot of fun, if you’ve got the imagination for it. My work is mainly form-focused, but I love to throw a good dinner plate. I create for the sake of creating, not for perfection. And I never did take that ASL class- pottery stole my heart.

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