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Man Rescued From Flood Waters

Man Rescued From Flood Waters
Posted on 05/12/2023
News Release

One person was rescued from rising creek waters during the early-morning hours by local firefighters.

At approximately 1:15 a.m. today, Aurora911 received a call from a man who was stranded in his truck near 56th Ave. and Hudson Rd. Aurora Fire Rescue’s (AFR) Swift Water Rescue Team was dispatched, in addition to a number of other ladder trucks, fire engines and a battalion chief.

The truck was difficult to find, and had reportedly been at the location along Box Elder Creek for days leading up to the flooding. Call takers and dispatchers at Aurora911 worked closely with the responding firefighters to guide them to the correct location, staying in constant communication with the stranded man. It required responders to walk in rising waters about half mile to the scene where they found a truck flooded up above the threshold of the doors and the man inside.

Because of the moving waters along the flooded Box Elder Creek area, the AFR Swift Water Rescue Team set up rescue operations with two rescuers, a down-stream safety operation, as well as shore operations. Firefighters used their bodies and equipment to block the energy of the flowing water, and walked the man up to safety. There were no injuries reported and the man was given a courtesy ride.

Firefighters offer a reminder to keep distance from flowing creeks, streams and rivers. Flood waters are unpredictable and dangerous.

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