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Aurora Dance Arts COVID-19 Updates

The city of Aurora and Aurora Dance Arts would like to reassure our community that we are working closely with local and state health experts regarding COVID-19 at taking steps to keep our community and city staff safe. In the interest of our community’s health and safety and in keeping with statewide orders, city leadership made the decision to close many city facilities, including but not limited to, recreation centers in which our dance program is usually housed, as well as the cancelation of all city-organized events until further notice. The Aurora Dance Arts dance program is currently following these citywide directives. To see the full list of closures and stay up to date, please visit

*Please read on for information regarding how Aurora Dance Arts classes are currently affected by these citywide closures –

  1. All Aurora Dance Arts Continuous Dance Program classes at all centers are suspended for in-person learning until further notice.
  2. All Aurora Dance Arts Summer Dance camp, classes and intensives from June-August of 2020 were canceled entirely. No in-person Youth or Adult Recreation dance programs at any of the recreation centers in the Summer 2020 Season.  
  3. All Aurora Dance Arts Participants have been contacted via e-mail regarding the details of credits to your city of Aurora Perfect Mind accounts for all fees due to cancelations for the Continuous Program and the recreational dance classes listed above. All participants of the Continuous Program have also been contacted regarding credits for 2020 recital costume fees. 
  4. Please feel free to e-mail [email protected] or call the Dance Office at 303.326.8308 if you have additional questions. The Dance Office is currently closed to the public for in-person visits. The Dance Office e-mail and voicemail is still being checked daily and the Dance Office will return all messages with as much expedience as possible during the closures.
  5. We are excited to announce that we are currently assessing opportunities for resumption of limited, safe, in-person dance classes with the shift to Level Orange on the COVID-19 Dial from the Colorado Department of Health & Environment! We are making plans for upcoming class offerings starting in the very near future. Please keep an eye out for important e-mails from the director of Aurora Dance Arts, in the coming weeks to advise all students/families when our next round of classes will be open for registration. These communications will also include a schedule of dance classes, locations where classes are being held, and pricing.

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