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Teach your children about 911
Parents can help prepare their children to call 911 if the need arises. Emergencies are scary situations for children. At times they may not know what to do. Here are some tips to teach your children how to use 911. Children need to know that 911 is not a toy. It should be used for emergencies only. They may not understand what an emergency is. Just have them remember when calling 911, don’t let the word Emergency scare you because you are helping someone who needs it.
Tell your children when to call 911 :
If they are ever lost and need help.
If there has been a car accident.
If they see a crime such as someone breaking into someone’s house.
If someone becomes very sick and is having a hard time speaking or breathing or turns blue.
If someone collapses or passes out, or appears to be “sleeping” but cannot be awakened.
If a house or building is on fire or smoking.
If they smell smoke or see a fire.
If someone is trying to hurt them.
If they hear an alarm.
If they are not sure if it’s a real emergency and there are no adults nearby to ask.
Prepare your child to answer these questions:
Do not call 911:
For directions
For your lost or injured pet
When you’re bored and just want to talk
Don’t call 911 to ask question or play a joke. It is a crime to call 911 as a joke.
Never call 911 just to see what might happen.
Facts for moms and dads:
Sometimes children are our best source of information because they are not aware of how serious a situation is and therefore can provide immense amounts of information critical to responding units.
Post emergency numbers next to all phones in your home, where children can see the numbers clearly.
Make sure children memorize their home address and telephone numbers.
Make sure children know the name and number of an adult to call in an emergency.
Teach kids how and when to dial 9-1-1 (or your local emergency numbers.)
Have a complete first aid kit in your home.
Keep any family member’s special medical needs and health insurance information handy.
In case of an emergency, have two escape routes from your home and an outside meeting place.
Practice evacuation plans annually.
Make sure your child can physically reach at LEAST ONE PHONE. Wall mounted phones can be unreachable for little children.
Make sure your house number is clearly visible from the street. It should contrast with the color of the surface it is mounted on.
Children playing with fire are a primary cause of house fires. Teach your children the dangers of playing with fire and matches or lighters.
Teach your child to dial 9 then 1 and another 1. Don’t practice calling 911 from a real phone.
Have the following information by the phone:
A list of emergency phone numbers
The home phone number and address
Any other contact information such as work phone numbers, cell phone numbers and neighbors phone numbers