The city of Aurora completed work in June 2024 on a multi-use trail to close the gap along the High Line Canal between Colfax Avenue and recent improvements constructed north of I-70 at East 32nd Parkway. A ribbon cutting and ceremonial walk celebrated the opening of the trail connection and new pedestrian bridge.
The High Line Canal Trail construction project, which spans nearly two miles, includes a continuous 8-foot-wide concrete trail, two pedestrian bridges (one to cross over the canal just south of Smith Road and one over I-70 just east of the Tower Road exchange), an upgraded railroad crossing to promote pedestrian and cyclist safety, and access to the 71-mile High Line Canal Regional Trail within the metro area.
Designed with community input, the new trail provides close-to-home, accessible recreation opportunities within the community and serve a diverse population that may otherwise have limited opportunities to access natural areas.
The city was granted federal funds through the Denver Regional Council of Governments to helped pay for the trail construction with city capital improvement funding used as a match amount. Additional funding partners consist of the Conservation Trust Fund, Adams County Open Space Grant, and the Adams County Open Space Tax Shareback.
The Stephen D. Hogan Parkway, a two-mile extension that opened in 2019, provides access to residential communities and access to Buckley Space Force Base by connecting Sixth Avenue to the E-470 Tollway. The project, named in honor of the city of Aurora's late mayor, enhances east-west mobility and addresses increased travel demand from new residential and business growth in the area.
The Green T Intersection is located at the western limits of the project where the Stephen D. Hogan Parkway project intersects with the SH-30. The new intersection is designed to allow westbound traffic on Hogan Parkway to proceed through the intersection without being stopped by the traffic signal. Over 40,500 tons of asphalt were used during the construction of this roadway and the new bridge over Sand Creek. Also, now open is the redesigned Triple Creek Trail, which has been extended by 7,000 feet.
The Lima Street Sidewalk Widening Project in 2023 widened some sidewalks in the Eastridge neighborhood from 3 feet to 6 feet as the result of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation request from a resident in the area. The project widened sidewalks on the north side of South Lima Street between East Wesley Place and East Wesley Avenue and on the north side of East Wesley Avenue between South Lima Street and East Wesley Avenue.