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Aurora Water basinsAurora has an innovative, diverse and sustainable water system. Beginning as snowmelt in the Rocky Mountains, our water is collected and stored in 12 lakes and reservoirs across the Arkansas, Colorado and South Platte river  basins. This water is moved into Aurora through a vast network of tunnels, pipelines and pump stations and is treated at one of our purification facilities. Aurora’s environmentally friendly Prairie Waters system – which reuses our mountain water – enhances and protects our supply, giving us room to meet future demands.

Help protect our water

Water pollution can be caused by the things that we do every day. When it rains or snows, storm water mixes with trash, antifreeze, motor oil, fertilizer and a host of other chemicals, and as that water flows off sidewalks and streets, it drains to large, underground pipes that carry water directly to the nearest stream or river. The average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of chemical waste each year, and all of that is flowing into nearby bodies of water.

Please do your part to prevent pollution:

  • Use non-toxic products.
  • Pick up leaves, grass clippings and pet waste so it doesn’t wash into storm drains.
  • Buy only what you need.
  • Use a commercial car wash. Commercial car washes collect and filter out soap and oil. The water is then cleaned and recycled.

Door-to-Door Program
Through the Door-to-Door program, residents can schedule an appointment to have a limited amount of their household chemicals picked up at their home for $10. Items accepted include antifreeze, automotive and household batteries, small electronics, motor oil and more.

To schedule a pickup, email [email protected] or call 303.249.0086. For more information, visit

Paint recycling
There’s no need to hold on to your old paint. You can take the lid off of your latex paint, add kitty litter, let it dry out and simply throw it away. You can also take old paint to stores participating in the statewide PaintCare program. Go to for more information.

Protect your pipes
Clogged pipes result in expensive and disgusting sewer backups that can flood your home or business. What is rinsed down the drain or thrown in the toilet often cause these backups.

To help protect your pipes:

  • Do not flush wipes of any kind down the toilet. Even if it says “flushable,” they will not break down and can damage pipes.
  • Do not use the toilet as a trashcan, which includes kitty litter, sanitary items, dental floss and other trash.
  • Pour used cooking oil or grease into a container, seal it and throw it away.
  • Scrape food into the garbage can and wipe off grease or oil with a paper towel.

Water conservation

Caring for your new landscape
Moving into a home and learning how to care for a water-wise landscape can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never had a yard or you’re new to Colorado. Our weather conditions and landscaping techniques can vary greatly from different parts of the country. For new landscaping, consider water-wise materials. We have classes and info to show you how.

New grass installed?
If you’ve moved into a home where grass has recently been installed, be sure to adjust your irrigation clock when you move in and at the beginning of each month. New sod or seed requires more water in the first 20 to 30 days than your lawn will need for the rest of the year. If you don’t adjust your sprinkler system, you’ll be overwatering your grass, which could kill your lawn. Your water bill will also be much higher than necessary. If you’re installing seed, sod or an automatic sprinkler system, a permit application is required for back, front and side yards, no matter what time of year.

Permanent conservation measures are in effect year round
During a typical year, you can water the three days a week that work best for you. However, during the current stage I drought, watering is permitted two days a week on scheduled watering days. Watering between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. is prohibited from May 1 to Sept. 30. Even when you can water three days a week, your lawn often needs much less water. To ensure a deeper root system, which will protect your lawn from drought, just a couple of days a week is all your turf needs in cooler months such as May and September.

Cycle-and-soak technique
If you have an automatic sprinkler system, it’s best to use the cycle-and-soak technique. For example, if you have pop-up sprinkler heads, rather than watering all at once, divide your total time into three separate water times. Give the water at least an hour to soak in between cycles.

Report water wasting
If you see water issues or water wasting, download the Access Aurora app on your mobile device, use the form at or call us at 303.739.7195.

Let Aurora Water help you save water and money

Let's get a GRIP on your grass
Sign up for the Grass Replacement Incentive Replacement Program rebate to reduce your turf size and add incredible low-water plants that add great color and require less maintenance and water. The process is simple, and we’ll walk you through every step, including creating your landscape design for free.

Know Your Flow
By enrolling you’ll receive detailed monthly emails summarizing how much water you use. These reports allow you to evaluate your water use and the recommended use customized for your property. From April to October, you’ll also receive weekly emails with recommended water times for your sprinkler system.

Indoor water assessments
Our specialists can help you detect leaks, find out where the most water is used and help find ways to save money on your bill.

Outdoor water assessments and rebates
Our specialists will show you how to water the right amount in the right places and teach you how to get the most from your automatic sprinkler system. If they suggest repairs and you make them, you could be eligible for generous rebates.

Water conservation classes
We offer a variety of free outdoor water efficiency classes in person and online to help you save water, which helps save money.

Aurora Water-wise Garden
The Aurora Water-wise Garden covers six acres in the middle of the city and is a beautiful botanical display of low-water plants and techniques. The garden is located at the northwest corner of Alameda Parkway and Chambers Road and is open daily from dawn until dusk. The garden includes a variety of clearly labeled water-wise plants to help you take home ideas for your own yard.

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